

单词 coast
释义 coast n 1 land bordering the sea 海岸     The ship was wrecked on the Kent coast. 该船在肯特海岸遇难.     islands off the Scottish coast 苏格兰沿海的岛屿     a village on the south coast, eg of England 南海岸的村子(如英格兰南海岸)     spend a day by the coast, ie the seaside 在海滨度一日     [attrib 作定语] a coast road, ie one that follows the line of the coast 沿海岸线的道路. =>illus 见插图. 2 (idm 习语) the ,coast is `clear (infml 口) there is no danger of being seen or caught 没有被发现或被捉住的危险     They waited until the coast was clear before loading the stolen goods into the van. 他们待四下无人时就把赃物装进货车. coast, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     Coast and shore both indicate land lying beside large areas of water. *coast和shore均指邻接大片水域的陆地. Shore suggests the limits of a lake or sea, or a narrow strip of land next to the water *shore指湖或海的边缘或水边的狭长的陆地     They camped on the shore of Lake Bala. 他们在巴拉湖畔宿营.     The survivors swam to the shore. 幸存者游上了岸. The land at the edge of a river or stream is a bank. 江河或溪流边上的陆地叫做bank. *Coast can refer to a wider area of land or a long stretch of land next to the sea or ocean *coast可指邻接海或洋的较宽阔的或狭长的地域     We live at/on the coast. 我们住在海滨.     the Atlantic coast of South America 南美洲的大西洋海岸. The beach is usually the sloping part of the shore often covered by the sea at high tide *beach通常指shore的倾斜部分, 往往在涨潮时被潮水漫过     The beach was crowded with sunbathers. 沙滩上挤满了作日光浴的人们. The seaside is a coastal area where people go on holiday *seaside是指人们前往度假的沿海地区     Brighton is a famous seaside resort. 布赖顿是著名的海滨胜地.     We´re spending August at the seaside. 我们八月份要在海滨度过. coast v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] (a) move, esp downhill (in a car, on a bicycle, etc), without using power (不使用动力, 尤指向山下)移动, 滑行(乘汽车、 骑自行车等)     coast down a hill (ie in neutral gear) to save petrol 滑行下山以省汽油(如使用空挡)     coasting along on a bicycle, ie without pedalling 骑在自行车上滑行(不用脚蹬). (b) (fig 比喻) make progress without much effort 不很费力而取得进展     The Socialists are coasting to victory (ie winning easily) in the election. 社会党人在选举中会轻易获胜. 2 [I] sail (from port to port) along a coast 沿著海岸(从一港口到另一港口)航行.




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