

单词 clump
释义 clump n group or cluster (esp of trees, shrubs or plants) (尤指树木或花草的)丛     a small clump of oak trees 橡树丛. clump, v [Tn, Tn.p esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sth (together) form a clump or arrange sth in a clump 形成一丛; 将某物聚集成堆     The children´s shoes were all clumped together in a corner. 孩子们的鞋都堆在角落里. clump v [Ipr, Ip] ~ about, around, etc walk in the specified direction putting the feet down heavily 以沉重的脚步向某方向行走     clumping about (the room) in heavy boots 穿著笨重的靴子(在屋里)走来走去. clump, n [sing] sound of heavy footsteps 沉重的脚步声     the clump of boots 靴子的咯咯声.




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