

单词 clobber
释义 clobber v[Tn] (infml 口) 1 strike (sb) heavily and repeatedly 连续重击(某人)     (fig 比喻) The police intend to clobber drunk drivers, ie punish them severely. 警方拟持续不断地严惩醉酒驾驶者.     The new tax laws will clobber small businesses, ie harm them financially. 新税法对小型企业, 将是一连串的打击. 2 defeat (sb/sth) completely 彻底挫败(某人[某事物])     Our team got clobbered on Saturday. 我们队星期六一败涂地. 3 criticize (sb/sth) severely 狠狠地批评(某人[某事物]). clobber n [U] (Brit infml 口) clothing or equipment (esp for a specific activity) 服装或设备(尤指为某特定活动的)     You should see the clobber he takes when he goes climbing! 你真该看看他去登山时带的服装和设备!




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