

单词 christen
释义 christen v 1 [Tn] receive (sb) into the Christian Church by sprinkling water on his head and giving him a name 为(某人)施洗礼(在头上洒水并为之命名以加入基督教). Cf 参看 baptize. 2 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态     Tn, Cn.n] (a) give a name to (sb) at such a ceremony (在洗礼仪式上)为(某人)命名     The child was christened Mary. 这孩子洗礼时命名为玛丽. (b) give a name to (esp a ship when it is launched) 为(尤指下水的轮船)命名. 3 [Tn] (fig infml 比喻, 口) use (sth) for the first time 第一次使用(某物)     Let´s have a drink to christen our new sherry glasses. 让我们为使用我们新的雪利酒杯喝点儿酒.




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