

单词 chase
释义 chase v 1 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (after) sb/sth run after in order to capture or overtake sb/sth 追捕; 追逐; 追赶; 追击     My dog likes chasing rabbits. 我的狗喜欢追逐兔子.     He chased (after) the burglar but couldn´t catch him. 他追赶窃贼却未捉住. 2 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (after) sb make sexual advances to sb in an unsubtle way 露骨地向某人求爱     He´s always chasing (after) women. 他不断地追逐女人. 3 [Tn] (infml 口) try to win (sth) 试图赢获(某事物)     Liverpool are chasing their third league title in four years. 利物浦队正全力以赴准备四年後第三次赢获联赛冠军. 4 (phr v) chase about, around, etc rush or hurry in the specified direction 向某方向急奔     I´ve been chasing around town all morning looking for a present for her. 为了送给她一件礼物, 我一上午都在全市奔走寻找. chase sb/sth away, off, out, etc force sb/sth to run away, etc; drive sb/sth away, etc 赶走; 驱逐     chase the cat out of the kitchen 把猫赶出厨房. chase sb up (Brit infml 口) contact sb and try to obtain esp money or information 向某人追讨或索要(尤指钱或信息)     chase up clients with outstanding debts 向委托人追索未清还的债款. chase sth up (Brit infml 口) try to investigate sth or make sth happen more quickly 追查或催促某事物     chase up a delayed order 追查逾期的订货单. chase n 1 act of chasing; pursuit 追捕; 追逐; 追赶; 追击; 追寻     The criminal was caught after a car chase. 开著汽车追来追去才把罪犯捉住. 2 (idm 习语) give `chase begin to run after sb/sth 开始追逐某人[某事物]     After the robbery the police immediately gave chase. 劫案发生後警方立即跟踪追击. ,give up the `chase stop chasing sb/sth 停止追赶某人[某物]. a wild goose chase => wild. chase v [Tn] cut patterns or designs on (metal); engrave or emboss 在(金属)上镂刻图案或花样; 雕刻; 刻浮雕: chased silver 雕花银器.




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