

单词 chair
释义 chair n 1 [C] moveable seat with a back and sometimes with arms, for one person to sit on 椅子     a table and chairs 桌子和椅子     Have/Take a chair, ie Sit down. 入座[就座](坐下). =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xvi. 2 the chair [sing] (position of the) person in charge of a meeting 主持会议的主席(的席位或职位)     She takes the chair in all our meetings. 她担任我们一切会议的主席.     Who is in the chair today? 今天谁当主席?     All remarks should be addressed to the chair. 所有意见均应向主席提出. 3 [C] position of a university professor; professorship 大学教授的职位     He holds the chair of philosophy at Oxford. 他任牛津大学哲学教授. 4 the chair [sing] (US infml 口) = the electric chair (electric). chair, v 1 [Tn] act as chairman of (sth) 担任(某事务)的主席     chair a meeting 主持会议. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] (Brit) carry (sb who has won sth) in a sitting position on the shoulders of a group 扛著(得胜者)(坐在人们的肩上)     The winning team chaired their captain off the field. 获胜的队扛著队长走出场地. chair, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     The affix -man is used in a lot of words (eg chairman) to indicate positions and occupations which today are filled by both women and men. *-man这一词缀用於很多词中(如chairman主席), 所指的职位和职务今日男女均可充任. To avoid sexual bias and unnecessary repetition (chairman or chairwoman) -person can be used 为免除性别偏颇和不必要的重复(chairman or chairwoman), 可用-person这一词缀     chairperson, spokesperson, business person, etc 主席、 发言人、 商人等. Chair is increasingly used to mean chairman or chairwoman *chair一词逐渐多用作主席, 男女均可     She was the chair of the planning committee. 她曾任计划委员会主席.




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