

单词 centre
释义 centre (US center), n 1 [C] point that is equally distant from all sides of sth; middle point or part of sth 中心点; 中心; 中央     the centre of a circle 圆心     the centre of London 伦敦市的中心     a town centre 市中心. =>illus at circle 见circle之插图. 2 [C] point towards which people´s interest is directed 使人感兴趣的集中点     Children like to be the centre of attention. 儿童喜欢引人注意.     The Prime Minister is at the centre of a political row over leaked Cabinet documents. 首相是内阁文件泄密政治纠纷的中心人物. 3 [C] place from which administration is organized 行政机构所在地; 中枢     a centre of power 权力的核心     London is a centre of government. 伦敦是政府所在地. 4 [C] place (eg a town or group of buildings) where certain activities or facilities are concentrated 活动集中的地方(如城镇或一群建筑物)     a centre of industry, commerce, the steel trade, etc 工业、 商业、 钢铁贸易等的中心     a shopping, sports, leisure, community centre 购物、 运动、 娱乐、 社区中心. 5 (esp the centre) [sing, Gp] moderate political position or party, ie one between the extremes of left and right 政治上的中间立场或中间党派     This country lacks an effective party of the centre. 这个国家缺少一个能起作用的中立党派.     Are her views to the left or right of centre? 她的观点是中间偏左还是偏右?     [attrib 作定语] a centre party 中立的党. 6 [C] (a) (in football, hockey, etc) centre-forward (足球、 曲棍球等)中锋. (b) (in Rugby football) either of two players in the middle of the line of three-quarters (橄榄球)中後卫. 7 [C] (in football, hockey, etc) kick or hit from the side towards the middle of the pitch (足球、 曲棍球等)从一边向球场中央之传球. 8 (idm 习语) left, right and centre => left2. centre, v 1 [Tn] place (sth) in or at the centre 将(某物)放在中央. 2 [I, Tn] (in football, hockey, etc) kick or hit (the ball) from the side towards the middle of the pitch (足球、 曲棍球等)将(球)传到球场的中央. =>illus at association football 见association football之插图. 3 (phr v) centre (sth) on/upon/round sb/sth have sb/sth as its centre or main concern or theme; be concentrated or concentrate on sb/sth 将某人[某事物]当作中心、 重点或主题; 集中於某人[某事物]     The social life of the village centres round the local sports club. 村民的社交活动都集中在当地的体育俱乐部.     Her research is centred on the social effects of unemployment. 她的研究课题是失业对社会的影响.     Public interest centres on the outcome of next week´s by-election. 公众的注意力集中在下周的补选结果上.




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