

单词 censor
释义 censor n 1 person authorized toexamine books, films, plays, letters, etc and remove partswhich are considered indecent, offensive, politically unacceptable or (esp in war) a threat to security (书籍、 电影、 戏剧、 信件等的)检查员     the British Board of Film Censors 英国影片审查委员会. 2 (in ancient Rome) official who prepared a register of all citizens and supervised public morals (古罗马负责登记全体市民并监督公众道德行为的)监察官. censor, v [Tn] examine or remove parts from (sth), as a censor (作为检查员)检查或删剪(某物)     the censored version of a film 经过检查的电影版本.




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