

单词 carry on
释义 arry on (infml 口) argue, quarrel or complain noisily; behave strangely 吵吵闹闹; 举动失常     He does carry on, doesn´t he? 他真有点儿疯疯颠颠的, 是吧? carry on (with sth/doing sth); carry sth on continue (doing sth) 继续(做某事)     Carry on (working/with your work) while I´m away. 我不在的时候, 要继续做(工作[你的工作]).     They decided to carry on (eg continue their walk) in spite of the weather. 他们决定不管天气好坏都坚持著(如继续走).     Carry on the good work! 好好干下去! carry on (with sb) (infml 口) (used esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) have an affair(5) with sb 与某人有暧昧关系     She´s carrying on with her boss. 她和老板有暧昧关系.     They´ve been carrying on for years. 他们的暧昧关系已经有很多年了. carry sth on (a) take part in sth; conduct or hold sth 参加某事; 进行或举行某事     carry on a conversation, discussion, dialogue, etc 进行谈话、 讨论、 对话等. (b) conduct or transact sth 进行或经营某事物     carry on a business 经营事业.




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