

单词 career
释义 career n 1 [C] profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement or promotion 职业; 事业; 生涯     a career in accountancy, journalism, politics, etc 会计、 新闻工作、 政治等生涯     She chose an academic career. 她选择了学术界职业.     [attrib 作定语] a career diplomat, ie a professional one 职业外交家. 2 [C] progress through life; development of a political party, etc 生命的历程; 政党等的发展     look back on a successful career 对成功经历的回顾. 3 [U] quick or violent forward movement 迅速的前进; 猛冲     in full career, ie at full speed 全速前进     stop sb in mid career, ie as he is rushing along 在他飞奔时止住他. career, v [Ipr, Ip] move about quickly and often dangerously 猛冲(常为危险地)     careering down the road on a bicycle 骑著自行车沿路飞奔而去     The car careered off the road into a ditch. 汽车冲出路面, 陷进沟里.




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