

单词 buzz
释义 buzz v 1 [I] (a) make a humming sound 作嗡嗡声     bees, flies and wasps buzzing round a pot of jam 围著果酱罐子嗡嗡叫的蜜蜂、苍蝇、黄蜂. (b) (of the ears) be filled with a humming sound (指耳朵)嗡嗡响     My ears began buzzing. 我的耳朵嗡嗡响起来了. 2 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) be full of excited talk, gossip or rumours 充满兴奋的谈话声、闲话或谣言     The courtroom buzzed as the defendant was led in. 被告被带进来时, 审判室里发出一阵嘈杂声.     The village was buzzing with excitement at the news of the Queen´s visit. 全村的人都兴奋地谈论著女王莅临的消息.     The office is buzzing with rumours. 办公室里嘁嘁喳喳地议论著谣言. 3 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (for) sb summon sb with a buzzer 用蜂响器传唤某人     The doctor buzzed (for) the next patient. 医生按蜂鸣器传唤下一个病人. 4 [Tn] (infml 口) telephone (sb) 给(某人)打电话     I´ll buzz you at work. 我上班时将给你打电话. 5 [Tn] fly close to (sb/sth) as a warning 飞近(某人[某物])表示警告     Two fighters buzzed the convoy as it approached the coast. 当船队接近海岸时, 两架战斗机飞近示警. 6 (phr v) buzz about/around (sth) move quickly and busily 迅速而匆忙地移动     She buzzed around the kitchen making preparations for the party. 她在厨房里忙来忙去为这次聚会作准备. buzz `off (Brit infml 口) (esp imperative 尤用於祈使语气) go away 走开     Just buzz off and leave me alone! 走开, 让我清静一下! buzz, n 1 [C] humming sound (esp one made by an insect) 嗡嗡声(尤指昆虫所发的)     the angry buzz of a bee/wasp 蜜蜂[黄蜂]很响的嗡嗡声. 2 [sing] (a) low confused sound of people talking 乱哄哄的说话声     the buzz of voices in the crowded room 挤满人的房间里乱哄哄的声音. (b) rumour 谣言     There´s a buzz going round that the boss has resigned. 有传闻说主管已经辞职了. 3 [C] sound of a buzzer 蜂响器的声音. 4 [sing] (infml 口 esp US) feeling of pleasure or excitement 愉快或兴奋之情     Flying gives me a real buzz. 飞行可真叫我兴奋. 5 (idm 习语) give sb a `buzz (infml 口) make a telephone call to sb 给某人打电话.




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