

单词 buttress
释义 buttress n 1 support built against a wall 扶壁. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page viii. 2 thing or person that supports or reinforces sth, or protects against sth 支撑物; 支柱; 支持力量     a country admired as a buttress of democracy 作为民主支柱而为人称道的国家     He was a buttress against extremism in the party. 他是党内反对极端主义的中坚分子. buttress, v [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) support or strengthen sth 支持或加强某事物     (fig 比喻) More government spending is needed to buttress industry. 为加强工业发展需要政府增加拨款.     You need more facts to buttress up your argument. 你需要有更多的事实来支持你的论据.




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