

单词 butt
释义 butt n 1 large cask or barrel for storing wine or beer 大酒桶. 2 large barrel for collecting rainwater, eg from a roof (接雨水用的)大水桶(如接房顶滴下的雨水的). butt n 1 thicker end of a tool or weapon (工具或武器)较粗的一端     a rifle butt 步枪的枪托. =>illus at gun 见gun之插图. 2 short piece at the end of a cigar or cigarette that is left when it has been smoked; stub 烟头; 烟蒂     an ashtray full of butts 盛满烟头的烟灰碟. 3 (infml 口 esp US) buttocks; bottom 屁股; 臀部     Get off your butts and do some work! 别老坐著, 干点正经事! butt n 1 (a) [C] mound of earth behind the targets on a shooting-range 靶垛. (b) the butts [pl] shooting-range 靶场. 2 [C] person or thing that is often mocked or teased 笑柄(常被嘲笑或戏弄的人或事物)     be the butt of everyone´s jokes 成为众人取笑的对象. butt v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] hit or push (sb/sth) with the head (like a goat) 以头撞或顶(某人[某物])(如山羊般)     butt sb in the stomach 撞某人的腹部. 2 [Tn.pr] hit (one´s head) on sth (自己的头部)撞到某物上     He butted his head against the shelf as he was getting up. 他起来时一头撞在搁架上了. 3 (phr v) butt in (on sb/sth) (infml 口) interrupt (sb/sth) or interfere (in sth) 干扰(某人[某事物]); 干涉(某事物)     Don´t butt in like that when I´m speaking. 我讲话时别这样打断我的话.     May I butt in on your conversation? 我可以插句话吗?




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