

单词 bung
释义 bung n stopper for closing the hole in a barrel or jar (桶或罐的)盖子, 塞子. bung, v 1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态     Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (with sth) close or block sth with or as with a bung (用塞盖)塞住; 堵住; 封住     My nose is (all) bunged up. I must be getting a cold. 我鼻子(全)堵住了, 一定是著凉了.     The drains are bunged up with dead leaves. 落叶把下水道堵住了. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] (Brit infml 口) throw or toss (sth) 扔, 掷(某物)     Bung the newspaper over here, will you? 你把报纸扔过来, 行吗?




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