

单词 bundle
释义 bundle n 1 [C] collection of things fastened or wrapped together 束、捆、扎或包在一起的东西     a bundle of sticks, clothes, newspapers 一捆细棍、一包衣物、一卷报纸     books tied up in bundles of twenty 扎成二十本一捆的书. 2 [sing] a ~ of sth (infml 口) a lot of sth; a mass of sth 大堆的东西; 大量的事物     That child is a bundle of mischief! 那孩子是淘气包!     He´s not exactly a bundle of fun, ie an amusing person. 他不算是个十分有趣的人. 3 [sing] (infml 口) large amount of money 很多钱; 巨款     That car must have cost a bundle. 这辆汽车一定值很多钱. 4 (idm 习语) a bundle of `nerves in a very nervous state 神经极度紧张     The poor chap was a bundle of nerves at the interview. 这小子在面试时紧张极了. go a bundle on sb/sth (infml 口) be very fond of sb/sth 非常喜欢某人[某事物]     I don´t go a bundle on her new husband, do you? 我不大喜欢她的新婚丈夫, 你呢? bundle, v 1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) make or tie sth into a bundle or bundles 把某物捆成捆     The firewood was cut and bundled (together). 木柴已劈好并捆在一起了.     We bundled up some old clothes for the jumble sale. 我们把一些旧衣物捆起来准备义卖. 2 (phr v) bundle sth into sth throw sth or put sth away quickly and untidily in the specified place 把某物随便扔到某处     She bundled her clothes into the drawer without folding them. 她把衣服胡乱扔进抽屉里, 连叠都不叠. bundle (sb) out, off, into, etc go or send (sb) hastily or roughly in the specified direction 匆忙走向某处; (将某人)匆匆打发到某处     We all bundled into the tiny car. 我们全都挤进那辆小汽车里.     I was bundled into a police van. 我被推进警车.     She bundled her son off to school. 她匆匆忙忙把儿子打发到学校去了. bundle (sb) up dress (sb) in warm clothes 给(某人)穿上暖和的衣服.




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