

单词 bring sb out
释义 bring sb out (a) cause sb to strike 使某人罢工     The shop-stewards brought out the miners. 工人代表发动矿工罢工. (b) cause sb to lose his shyness 使某人消除羞怯心理     She´s nice but needs a lot of bringing out. 她很不错, 但尚需多加克服羞怯心理. bring sth out (a) cause sth to appear or open 使某事物出现或开放     The sunshine will bring out the blossom. 阳光将使花朵开放. (b) produce sth; publish sth 生产某物; 出版某物     The company is bringing out a new sports car. 公司正在生产一种新跑车.     bring out sb´s latest novel 出版某人最新小说     New personal computers are brought out almost daily. 几乎每天都能生产出新的私人计算机. (c) show sth clearly; reveal sth 清楚地显示出某事物; 揭示出某事物     The enlargement brings out the details in the photograph. 照片放大後细微之处都很清楚. (d) make sth clear or explicit 使某事物清楚或明白; 说明; 阐明     bring out the meaning of a poem 揭示一首诗的意义. (e) cause (a quality) to be seen in sb; elicit sth 使某人的(品质)显现; 引出某物     A crisis brings out the best in her. 在紧急关头看出了她的优秀品质. bring sb out in sth cause sb to be covered in sth 使某人浑身都有某事物     The heat brought him out in a rash. 因气温很高, 他浑身长了皮疹.




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