

单词 bring sb down
释义 bring sb down (a) (in football) cause sb to fall over by fouling him (足球)犯规使某人跌倒     He was brought down in the penalty area. 他在罚球区被对方撞倒. (b) (in Rugby) tackle sb (橄榄球)挡住对方带球跑的队员. (c) cause the defeat of sb; overthrow sb 使某人失败; 打倒某人     The scandal may bring down the government. 这一丑闻可能导致政府垮台. bring sth down (a) cause (an aircraft) to fall out of the sky 使(飞行器)从空中落下     bring down an enemy fighter 击落敌人一架战斗机. (b) land (an aircraft) 使(飞行器)著陆     The pilot brought his crippled plane down in a field. 驾驶员把失灵的飞机降落在田地里. (c) cause (an animal or a bird) to fall over or fall out of the sky by killing or wounding it 打死或打伤(禽兽)     He aimed, fired and brought down the antelope. 他瞄准羚羊射击, 把它打倒了. (d) lower or reduce sth 降低或减少某事物     bring down prices, the rate of inflation, the cost of living, etc 降低价格、通货膨胀率、生活费用等. (e) (mathematics 数) transfer (a digit) from one part of a sum to another 将(数字)移下.




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