

单词 young
释义 young adj (-nger , -ngest /-NgIst; -NgIst/) 1 not far advanced in life, growth, development, etc; of recent birth or origin 年轻的; 幼小的; 新诞生的; 新成立的     a young woman, animal, tree, nation 年轻的女人、 幼小的动物、 幼小的树、 新成立的国家. Cf 参看 old2. 2 still near its beginning 仍然接近开始阶段的; 初期的     The evening is still young. 晚间刚开始不久. 3 the younger (fml 文) (used before or after a person´s name, to distinguish that person from an older person with the same name 用於姓名之前或之後, 以区别於同名之年长者)     the younger Pitt/Pitt the younger 年纪较轻的那个皮特. Cf 参看 elder1 2.4 (becoming dated 渐旧) (a) (used before a person´sname to distinguish esp a son from his father 用於姓名之前, 以区别父子, 指儿子)     Young Jones is just like his father. 小琼斯真像他的父亲. (b) (used as a familiar or condescending form of address 用作亲切的或屈尊俯就的称呼)     Now listen to me, (my) young man/lady! 听我说, (我的)小伙子[小姐]! 5 for, concerning or characteristic of youth or young people 青年的; 年轻人的     The young look is in fashion this year. 今年时兴扮年轻人的样子.     Those clothes she´s wearing are much too young for her. 她穿的那些衣服显得太年轻了. 6 [pred 作表语] ~ in sth having little practice or experience in sth 对某事物不熟练或无甚经验     young in crime 初次犯罪. 7 (idm 习语) an angry young man => angry. not as/so young as one `used to be/(once) `was old or growing old and losing vigour, good health, etc 年老的; 失去青春活力或健康等的     I can´t play squash twice a week     I´m not as young as I was, you know! 我不能一星期打两次壁球了, 我的体力大不如前了, 你要知道! not get any `younger become older 变老的     Of course long walks tire you out you´re not getting any younger, you know. 当然走长路能把你累坏的--青春不再, 你要知道. an old head on young shoulders => old. young and `old (a`like) everyone, regardless of age 无论老少     This is a book for young and old (alike). 这本书老少咸宜. ,young at `heart in spite of one´s age, still feeling and behaving as one did when one was young 人老心不老. the ,young i`dea (dated 旧) young people, esp schoolboys or schoolgirls and students青少年; (尤指)学生. one´s young `lady/young `man (dated 旧) one´s girl-friend/boy-friend 女朋友; 男朋友     When´s your young man coming to dinner, then? 你的男朋友什麽时候来吃饭呢? you´re only young `once (saying 谚) young people should be allowed to enjoy themselves while they can, because they will have plenty to worry about when they get older 应准予年轻人及时行乐(因为年纪大时要有很多操心事). young, n [pl] 1 (of animals and birds) offspring; young ones (指鸟兽)雏; 仔; 崽     The cat fought fiercely to defend its young, ie its young kittens. 那只猫拼命反抗以保护小猫. 2 the young young people considered as a group 年轻人(总称)     The young in our society need careand protection. 我们社会的年轻人需要受到关怀和爱护.3 (idm 习语) (be) with `young (of animals) pregnant (指动物)怀孕的.




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