

单词 yoke
释义 yoke n 1 [C] (a) shaped piece of wood fixed across the necks of two animals (esp oxen) pulling a cart, plough, etc 轭; (尤指)牛轭. (b) (pl unchanged 复数不变) two oxen working together 共轭牛(共同工作的一对牛)     five yoke of oxen 五对共轭牛. 2 [C] object like a yoke in form or function, esp a piece of wood shaped to fit across a person´s shoulders and support a pail at each end 轭状的或起轭作用的物体; (尤指)轭状 扁担. 3 [C] (in dressmaking) part of a garment fitting round the shoulders or hips and from which the rest hangs (女服制作的)抵肩, (裙等的)腰. 4 [sing] ~ (ofsth/sb) (fml fig 文, 比喻) oppressive control; burdensomerestraint 束缚; 羁绊     throw off the yoke of slavery 摆脱奴隶制的枷锁     under the yoke of a cruel master 在残暴的主人的控制之下. yoke, v [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] 1 ~ sth (to sth); ~ sth and sth (together) put a yoke on (an animal) 给(动物)上轭     yoke oxen to a plough 用轭把牛套在 上     yoke oxen together 用轭把牛套在一起. 2 ~ A (to/with B) (in sth); ~ A and B (together) (in sth) (fml 文) unite or form a bond between (people) 使(人)结合或联合     yoked to/with an unwilling partner 与一个不甘心情愿的伙伴结合在一起     yoked (together) in marriage 联姻.




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