

单词 would
释义 ould ; modal v (contracted form 缩约式 ´d ; neg 否定式 would not, contracted form 缩约式 wouldn´t )1 (a) (used with have + a past participle to describe the consequence of an imagined event 与have +过去分词连用, 表示一设想事情的结果)     If he shaved his beard he would look much younger. 他要是把胡子刮了就少相多了.     If you went to see him, he would be delighted. 倘若你去看他, 他一定非常高兴.     I would think about it very carefully, if I were you. 我要是你的话, 我就十分慎重地考虑这件事. (b) (used with have + a past participle to describe a hypothetical action or event in the past 与have +过去分词连用, 表示假想的过去的动作或事情)     If I had seen the advertisement I would have applied for the job. 我要是看见那个广告了, 我就申请那份工作了.     If she hadn´t gone back for the letter, she wouldn´t have missed the bus. 要不是她回去取信, 她就不至於错过那辆公共汽车了. (c) (used to describe a hypothetical action or event in the present 用以表示假想的现在的动作或事情)     She´d be a fool to accept, ie if she accepted.她要是接受, 她就是个傻瓜.     Don´t call her now it would make us late. 别现在给她打电话--现在打的话, 我们就迟到了.     It would be difficult to make an accurate forecast. 预报很难准确.     It would be a pity to miss the main film. 要是赶不上看这部电影的正片就太可惜了.     I would start from this end. 要是开始做, 我就从这一头开始.     Would I be able to help? 我能帮上忙吗? 2 (a) (used in making polite requests 用以提出客气的请求)     Would you pay me in cash, please? 请您付给我现金行吗?     You wouldn´t have the time to phone him now, would you? 您现在没有那麽多时间给他打电话, 是吧? (b) (used with imagine, say, think, etc to give tentative opinions 与imagine、 say、 think等连用, 表达试探性的意见)     I would imagine the operation will take about an hour. 我猜想这个手术大概需要一个小时左右吧. 3 (a) (used in offers or invitations 用以提出建议或邀请)     Would you like a sandwich? 您想吃三明治吗?     Would they like to sit down? 请他们坐下好吗?     Would she like to borrow my bicycle? 她想借用我的自行车吗? (b) (used with like, love, hate, prefer, be glad/happy, etc to express preferences 与like、 love、 hate、 prefer、 be glad/happy等连用, 表达较合意愿的做法)     I´d love a coffee. 我倒想喝杯咖啡.     I´d hate you to think I was criticizing you. 我可不愿意让你觉得我是在批评你.     I´d be only too glad to help. 我非常愿意帮帮忙. 4 (used when commenting on characteristic behaviour 用以评论特有的行为)     That´s just what he `would say, ie what he might be expected to say. 他就是爱说这种话.     It `would rain (ie How typical it is of our weather that it should rain) on the day we chose for a picnic! 我们哪天去野餐, 它哪天就准下雨! 5 (used after so that, in order that to express purpose 用於so that、 in order that之後, 表示目的)     She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them. 她把信都烧了, 这样一来她丈夫就绝对看不见了. =>Usage 3 at may 见may所附用法第3项. would pt of will1. wound n 1 (a) injury caused deliberately to part of the body by cutting, shooting, etc, esp as the result of an attack 伤, 创伤(尤指受攻击造成的)     He died after receiving two bullet wounds in the head. 他头部中了两颗子弹而死.     The wound was healing slowly. 伤口慢慢愈合了. (b) cut or tear done to the outer surface of a plant or tree (对花草树外皮的)切割或剥离. 2 ~ (to sth) hurt done to a person´s feelings, reputation, etc (对人的感情、 名誉等的)伤害     deep psychological wounds 很深的心理创伤     The defeat was a wound to his pride. 这次失败伤了他的自尊心. 3 (idm 习语) lick one´s wounds => lick. rub salt into the wound/sb´s wounds => rub2. wound, v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] 1 give a wound to (sb) 伤, 伤害(某人)     Ten soldiers were killed and thirty seriously wounded. 有十名士兵阵亡, 三十名重伤.     The guard was wounded in the leg. 护卫员腿部受了伤. 2 hurt (sb´s feelings, reputation, etc) 伤, 伤害(某人的感情、 名誉等)     He was/felt deeply wounded by their disloyalty. 因为他们不忠, 他十分伤心.     wounding criticism伤人感情的批评. the wounded n [pl v] wounded people 受伤的人; 伤员     The hospital was full of the sick and wounded. 医院里挤满了伤病员.     Many of the wounded died on their way to hospital. 许多伤员死在去医院的途中了. wound, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     Wound and injure both indicate physical damage to the body.     wound 和 injure 均指对身体的伤害. A person is wounded by a sharp instrument or bullet tearing the flesh. *wound指利器或子弹对肉体造成的伤害. It is a deliberate action, often connected with battles and war. 这种伤害是故意的行为, 常与作战及战争有关. People are usually injured in an accident, eg with a machine or in sport.     injure 通常指人在意外事故中受到的伤害, 如由机器造成的或在运动中受到的伤害. Compare In a war there are many more wounded than killed and In the coach crash 10 people died and 18 were seriously injured. 试比较这两个句子     `在一场战争中, 受伤的远比死亡的人多'和`在这次旅游车撞车事故中, 有10人死亡, 18人重伤'. Hurt may be as serious as injure or it may relate to a minor pain *hurt指的伤害可与 injure 同样严重, 也可指比较轻的疼痛     They were badly hurt in the accident. 他们在事故中受了重伤.     I hurt my back lifting that box. 我抬那个箱子的时候伤了後背. wound: pt, pp of wind3.




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