

单词 worse
释义 orse adj (comparative of bad1 *bad1 一词的比较级) 1 ~ (than sth/doing sth) of a less excellent or desirable kind 更坏的; 更糟的; 更差的     The weather got worse during the day. 白天天气更坏了.     The interview was far/much worse than he had expected. 那次面试比他想的糟得多.     prevent an even worse tragedy 防止更惨的事     The economic crisis is getting worse and worse. 经济危机越来越严重了.     You are only making things worse. 你反倒把事情弄得更糟了. Cf 参看 worst. 2 [pred 作表语] in or into worse health 健康恶化; 身体更差     If he gets any worse, we must phone for an ambulance. 要是他情况恶化, 我们就得打电话叫救护车了. Cf 参看 better1. 3 (idm 习语) sb´s bark is worse than his bite => bark2. be none the `worse (for sth) be unharmed (by sth) (经某遭遇)未受伤害     The children were none the worse for their adventure. 孩子们经历这一惊险事倒没受到伤害. better/worse still => still2. be the worse for drink be drunk 喝醉的.a fate worse than death => fate. make matters/things `worse worsen a situation or condition that is already difficult or dangerous 使情况更困难或更危险     To make matters worse, he refused to apologize. 更糟的是他拒不道歉. so much the better/worse => better3. the ,worse for `wear (infml 口) worn, damaged or tired 破旧的; 损坏的; 疲倦的     Your copy of the dictionary is looking a bit the worse for wear. 你这本词典看来有点儿太旧了.     Bill came home from the pub considerably the worse for wear, ie drunk. 比尔喝得醉醺醺的从酒馆回到家里. ,worse `luck! (infml 口) (as a comment on sth that has been mentioned) which is unfortunate or a pity (用以评论所提到的事情)不幸, 可惜     I shall have to miss the party, worse luck! 我参加不了这次聚会了, 真可惜! worse, adv 1 more badly 更坏; 更糟; 更差地     He is behaving worse than ever. 他表现得更坏了. Cf 参看 worst adv. 2 more intensely (than before) (比以前)更强烈, 更严重     It´s raining worse than ever. 雨下得更大了. 3 (idm 习语) be ,worse `off be poorer, unhappier, less healthy, etc than before 比以前更穷、 更不愉快、 更不健康等     The increase in taxes means that we´ll be 30 a month worse off. 加税後我们每月收入就要少了30英镑.     I´ve only broken my arm; other patients are far worse off than me. 我只是胳膊折了, 其他病人比我严重得多. worse, n 1 [U] worse thing(s) 更坏的事物     I´m afraid there is worse to come. 我看更糟的还在後头呢. 2 (idm 习语) can/could do worse than do sth be correct or sensible in doing sth 做某事是正确的或可取的     If you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in the building society. 要想投资而不冒风险, 不如把钱投资到房屋建筑协会. a change for the better/worse => change2. for better or worse => better3. go from ,bad to `worse (of unsatisfactory conditions, etc) become even worse (指不如意的情况等)越来越坏, 每况愈下     Under the new management things have gone from bad to worse. 在新的管理人员领导下, 情况反而更坏了.




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