

单词 worry
释义 worry v (pt, pp worried) 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (about sb/sth) be anxious (about sb, difficulties, the future, etc) (对某人、 困难、 前途等)担忧, 担心, 发愁     `Don´t worry,´ she said, putting an arm round his shoulder. `别发愁了,'她边说边用手臂搂住他的肩膀.     Don´t worry if you can´t finish it. 你做不完也不必担心.     Your parents are worrying about you     do write to them. 你父母正担心你呢, 快给他们写封信吧.     There´s nothing to worry about. 没什麽可愁的. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/oneself (about sb/sth) make sb/oneself anxious or troubled (about sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])使某人[自己]担忧、 担心或发愁     What worries me is how he will manage now his wife´s died. 他妻子死了, 我担心的是他可怎麽办.     I don´t want to worry you, but... 我不想让你担心, 但是...     She worried herself sick/She was worried sick about her missing son. 她儿子失踪可把她愁坏了.     Many people are worried by the possibility of a nuclear accident. 许多人都很担心怕可能发生核事故.     It worries me that they haven´t answered my letters. 他们一直没给我回信, 叫人担心. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sth) annoy or disturb sb; bother sb 烦扰或打扰某人; 打搅某人     Don´t worry her now; she´s busy. 现在别打扰她, 她正忙著呢.     The noise doesn´t seem to worry them. 这种嘈声好像并不影响他们. 4 [Tn] (esp of a dog) seize (sth) with the teeth and shake or pull it about (尤指狗)叼住(某物)甩或拉     The dog was worrying a rat. 那条狗撕咬著一只老鼠. 5 (idm 习语) ,not to `worry (infml 口) do not worry; let us not worry 别担心; 咱们不必发愁     We´ve missed the train, but not to worry, there´s another one in ten minutes. 我们没赶上火车, 但是别著急, 十分钟後还有一趟呢. worry, n 1 [U] state of being worried; anxiety 担忧; 担心; 忧愁     Worry and illness had made him prematurely old. 他心事重重、 疾病缠身, 落得个未老先衰. 2 [C] thing that causes one to worry; cause of anxiety 令人担忧的事物; 忧愁的根源     He has a lot of financial worries at the moment. 他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事.     Forget your worries and enjoy yourself! 不要想那些愁事, 痛快痛快吧! 3 [C usu sing 通常作单数] thing that sb is responsible for 某人负责的事情     Transport? That´s your worry! 交通问题? 那是你负责的事!




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