

单词 wink
释义 ink v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sb) close one eye very briefly, esp as a private signal to sb 眨一只眼(尤指向某人使眼色)     He winked at me to show that he was playing a joke on the others. 他向我眨了眨一只眼, 意思是他正在开别人的玩笑. 2 [I] (of a light, star, etc) shine with a light that flickers or flashes quickly on and off (指光、 星等)闪烁     We could see the lighthouse winking in the distance. 我们看见远处灯塔一闪一闪地发光.     The car in front is winking it´s going to turn right. 前面汽车指示灯闪著光--示意要向右转. 3 (idm 习语)easy as winking => easy. 4 (phr v) wink at sth (dated旧) pretend that one does not notice (bad behaviour, etc) 假装没注意到(坏的举动等)     His wife has winked at his infidelity for years. 他多年来对妻子不忠, 妻子也只装作不知情. wink, n 1 act of winking, esp as a signal 眨一只眼(尤指使眼色)     give sb a meaningful wink 向某人眨一只眼示意. 2 (idm 习语) (have/take) forty `winks short sleep, esp during the daytime 盹(尤指於白天). a nod is as good as a wink => nod n. not get/have a `wink of sleep; not sleep a `wink not sleep at all 完全没睡觉     The neighbours were having a party and we didn´t get a wink of sleep all night. 邻居举行晚会, 吵得我们一夜都没合眼. tip sb the wink => tip3.




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