

单词 whip
释义 whip n 1 [C] length of cord or strip of leather fastened to a handle, used esp for urging on an animal (esp a horse) or for striking a person or an animal as a punishment 鞭子. Cf 参看 horsewhip (horse). 2 [C] (a) (in Britain and the US) official of a political party who has the authority to maintain discipline among its members, esp to make them attend and vote in important government debates (英国和美国的)政党的纪律委员(尤指敦促党员出席政府重要辩论会进行投票者). (b) instructions given by this official 党纪委员发出的指令     a ,three-line (ie very urgent) `whip 要求本党议员出席辩论并按指示投票的紧急书面通知. 3 [C] = whipper-in. 4 [C, U] dish of whipped cream, eggs, etc with fruit or other flavouring 搅拌的奶油、 蛋等加水果或其他调料制成的甜食     caramel, chocolate, strawberry, etc whip 焦糖、 巧克力、 草莓...奶油甜品. 5 (idm 习语) a fair crack of the whip => fair1. get, have, hold, etc the `whip hand (over sb) be in a position where one has power or control (over sb) 位居控制(某人)的地位     Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist. 他们因对手权柄在握, 反抗也没用. whip v (-pp-) 1 [Tn] strike (a person or an animal) with a whip, esp as a punishment 鞭打(人或动物)(尤指作为惩罚); 鞭笞     The culprit will be whipped when he is found. 那个罪犯找到後就要挨鞭子抽打. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (into sth) stir (eggs, cream, etc) rapidly with a fork or some other instrument in order to make a stiff light mass 搅打(蛋、 奶油等)     coffee with whipped cream 加入搅打奶油的咖啡     Whip the ingredients (up) into a smooth paste. 把配料搅打成均匀的糊状. 3 [Tn] (Brit infml 口) steal (sth) 偷(某物)     Who´s whipped my umbrella? 谁把我的伞偷走了? 4 [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sb/sth to) move rapidly or suddenly in the direction specified (使某人[某物])沿某方向快速或突然移动     The thief whipped round the corner and out of sight. 那个贼一溜烟儿转过街角就看不见了.     She whipped round just as he was about to attack her from behind. 他正要从她後面袭击她, 她一下子转过身来.     The branch whipped back and hit me in the face. 那树枝突然弹回打在我的脸上.     The intruder whipped out a knife (from his pocket). 闯进来的人突然(从他的衣袋里)掏出一把刀来.     The wind whipped several slates off (the roof). 那阵风(从屋顶上)刮下几块瓦来.     The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off. 那个明星迅速上了一辆汽车疾驶而去. 5 [Tn] (a) sew (a seam, piece of cloth, etc) with stitches that pass over the edge, esp in order to prevent fraying 锁缝(布等的边)(尤指为防止脱线). (b) bind (a stitch, the end of a rope, etc) with a close tight covering of thread or string (用线或绳)将(缝线、 绳索末端等)缠紧. 6 (phr v) whip sb/sth on drive sb to go faster, work harder, etc; make (an animal) go faster by striking it with a whip 鞭策、 驱使或督促某人快走、 努力等; 用鞭子抽打(动物)使之快走. whip sth/sb up (a) create(excitement, enthusiasm, etc) in people or cause (people) to be enthusiastic, etc; arouse 激发(情绪、 热情等); 激励(人们); 唤起     They´re trying to whip up support for their candidate. 他们竭力激励大家支持他们的候选人.     The people were whipped up into a frenzy by the speaker. 人们听了演说人的话群情激奋. (b) (infml 口) prepare (a meal, etc) very quickly 匆匆做(饭等)     I can easily whip you up some scrambled eggs. 我马上就能给你炒点鸡蛋.




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