

单词 whine
释义 whine n (usu sing 通常作单数) (a) long high-pitched complaining cry, esp one made by a dog or child 长而高音的哭声或叫声(尤指狗或儿童发出的). (b) similar high-pitched (esp irritating) sound made by a siren, motor-cycle engine, etc (警笛、 摩托车发动机等发出的)长而高音的响声(尤指烦人的)     the steady whine of a mechanical saw 机械锯发出的吱吱的声音. whine, v 1 [I, It] make a whine 发出长而高音的呜咽声或其他响声     a whining voice 呜咽的声音     The dog sat outside the door whining (to be let in). 那条狗坐在门外狺狺叫著(要进来). 2 (a) [I, Ipr] (derog 贬) complain, esp about trivial things 抱怨, 埋怨(尤指为琐事)     Do stop whining! 别再埋怨了!     What is that child whining about now? 那个孩子现在又抱怨什麽呢? (b) [Tn] (derog贬) say (sth) in a pleading or complaining voice 以哀求的或抱怨的声音说(某事)     `I want to go home,´ he whined.`我要回家,'他哀求著说. whiner n animal or person that whines 发出呜咽声的动物或人.




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