

单词 where
释义 where interrog adv in or to what place or position 在哪里; 到哪里; 在什麽位置     Where does he live? 他住在哪儿?     Where does she come from? 她是哪儿的人?     I wonder where she comes from. 我不知道她是哪儿的人.     Where (ie At what point) did I go wrong in my calculation? 我在计算中什麽地方出了差错?     Where are you going for your holidays? 你打算到哪儿去度假?     Where is all this leading? ie What is the conclusion of what you are saying? 你说这话到底是什麽意思? where, rel adv 关系副词 1 (used after words or phrases that refer to a place 用於表示地点的词语之後) at, in, or to which (place) 在那(地方); 到那(地方); 该处     the place where you last saw it 你上次看到该事物之处     one of the few countries where people drive on the left 少数沿左侧开车的国家之一. 2 at which place 在那个地方; 在该处     We then moved to Paris, where we lived for six years. 我们後来搬到巴黎, 在那里住了六年. where, conj (in) the place in which (在)...的地方     Put it where we can all see it. 把它放在我们都看得见的地方.     Where food is hard to find, few birds remain throughout the year. 在很难找到食物的地方就没有什麽鸟能长年栖息.     (fig 比喻) That´s where you´re wrong. 你错就错在这儿.




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