

单词 well
释义 well n 1 (a) shaft dug in the ground, usu lined with brick or stone, for obtaining water from an underground source 井; 水井     dig/drive/sink a well 挖[凿/掘]井     The villagers get their water from a well. 该村村民吃井水.     [attrib 作定语] well water 井水. (b) = oil well (oil). 2 enclosed space like the shaft of a well, eg one in a building from roof to basement that contains a staircase or lift 似井的空间(如建筑物中的楼梯或电梯通道). 3 (a) (dated except in place-names 旧,现仅用於地名) spring or fountain 泉     Tunbridge Wells 坦布里奇韦尔斯. (b) ~ of sth (dated fml fig 旧, 文, 比喻) source of sth 某事物的源泉或来源     a well of information 信息的来源. 4 (Brit) (in a lawcourt) space in front of the judge where lawyers sit, separated from the rest of the court by a railing (法庭中的)律师席(位於法官对面, 有栏杆与其他部分相隔). well, v 1 [Ipr, Ip] ~ (out/up) flow or rise like water from a well (像泉水般)流出, 涌出, 喷出     Blood was welling(out) from the wound. 鲜血从伤口中流出.     Tears welled up in her eyes. 她泪盈於睫.     Anger was welling up in him. 他怒火中烧. 2 (phr v) well over overflow 流出; 泛滥. well adj (compar better , superl best ) 1 [usu pred 通常作表语] in good health 健康     be, feel, get, look, etc well 身体好、 觉得身体好、 康复、 气色好     Are you quite well? 你身体很 好吧?     Is she well enough to travel? 她身体康复, 能够旅行了吗?     I´m better now, thank you. 我现在好些了, 多谢您关心.     He´s not a well man. 他身体不好. =>Usage at healthy 用法见healthy. 2 [pred 作表语] in a satisfactory state or position 满意; 满足     (saying 谚) All´s well that ends well. 结局好就算一切都好.     We´re very well where we are. 我们处境很好.     It seems that all is not well at home. 看来家中并非事事如意. 3 [pred 作表语] advisable or desirable 可取; 相宜     It would be well to start early. 最好早点儿动身. 4 (idm 习语) ,all very `well (for sb)... (infml ironic 口, 反语) (used to indicate that one is not happy, satisfied or in agreement with what sb has said or done 用以表示不悦、 不满或不同意)     It´s all very well (for `you) to suggest a skiing holiday, but I´m the one who will have to pay for it. 你提议假日滑雪倒是不错, 可付钱的却是我. ,all well and `good (infml 口) satisfactory (though other things may not be satisfactory) 好倒是好(但也有不如意处)     The job´s done that´s all well and good but what about the bonus we were promised? 工作完成了--好倒是好--但是答应给我们的奖金给不给? (just) as `well (to do sth) prudent or appropriate 倒也不错; 也相宜     It would be (just) as well to phone and say we will be late. 还是打个电话说我们得迟到比较好. well adv (compar better , superl best ) 1 (usu placed after the v, and after the direct object if the v is transitive 通常置於动词之後, 若是及物动词则置於直接宾语之後) (a) in a good, right or satisfactory manner 好; 对; 满意地     The children behaved well/were well-behaved. 孩子都表现得很好.     She speaks English very well. 她英语说得很好.     The conference was organized very well. 大会组织得很好.     I can read well enough without glasses. 我不戴眼镜也能看得很清楚.     Well done, played, run, etc! ie cries expressing admiration, congratulations, etc 干得、 演得、 跑得...好!     I hope everything is going well (ie is satisfactory) with you. 愿你事事如意.     Things didn´t go well for us at first, but everything is fine now. 我们起初不很顺利, 现一切都好了.     Do these colours go well together (ie harmonize with each other)? 这些颜色配在一起协调吗?     The plan didn´t work out very well. 这一计画实行起来不大满意.     Investing in industry is money well spent. 钱投资在工业上是正确的. Cf 参看 ill1 1. (b) in a kind manner 和蔼地; 友好地     They treated me very well. 他们待我很好. Cf 参看 ill1 2. (c) thoroughly, completely or carefully 彻底地; 完全地; 仔细地     Shake the mixture well. 把这个混合物充分摇匀.     Read the document well before you sign it. 仔细审阅文件後方可签字.     The pan must be dried well before you put it away. 这个锅用後要彻底擦乾方可收起.     His shoes were always well polished. 他的鞋总是擦得乾乾净净.     She doesn´t know him very well. 她不十分了解他.     I´m well (ie fully) able to manage on my own. 我完全能够独自处理. 2 with praise or approval 夸奖地; 称赞地     speak/think well of sb 称赞[钦佩]某人. 3 (after can, could, may, might 用於can、 could、 may、 might之後) justifiably, reasonably or probably 有理由地; 合理地; 可能地     You may well be right. 很可能是你对.     I might well consider it later. 我也可能以後再考虑考虑.     I can´t very well leave now. 我现在离开不大合适.     I couldn´t very well refuse to help them, could I? 我不帮助他们说不过去吧, 是不是?     `They´ve split up, you know.´ `I can well believe it.´ `你知道吗, 他们闹翻了.'`我看这是情理之中的事.'     It may well be that the train is delayed. 很有可能火车晚点了. 4 to a considerable extent or degree 到相当的程度     I don´t know how old he is, but he looks well over/past forty. 我不知道他多少岁, 但是他看上去有四十多岁了.     She was driving at well over the speed limit. 她开车的速度远远超过了速度限制.     lean well forward/back in one´s chair 坐在椅子上身体很向前[後]靠     It was well worth waiting for. 这件事倒是很值得等待.     Temperatures are well up in the forties. 温度足有四十多度了. 5 (idm 习语) as well (as sb/sth) in addition (to sb/sth/doing sth) (除某人[某事物/做某事]外)也, 还, 而且     Are they coming as well? 他们也来吗?     He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既种菜也种花.     She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. 她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家. =>Usage at also 用法见also. augur well/ill for sb/sth => augur. be ,well `out of sth (infml 口) be fortunate that one is not involved in sth 幸亏没牵涉在某事中. be well up in sth be well informed about sth 对某事物消息灵通或非常熟悉     He´s well up in all the latest developments in the industry. 他很熟悉这个行业中所有的最新情况. bloody well => bloody2. bode well/ill => bode. deserve well/ill of sb =>deserve. do oneself well provide oneself with comforts, luxuries, etc 生活优裕. do `well (a) be successful; prosper成功; 兴旺     Simon is doing very well at school. 西蒙的学习成绩很好.     The business is doing well. 生意十分兴隆. (b) (only in the continuous tenses 仅用於进行时态) be making a good recovery from an illness, etc 康复等情况良好     The patient is doing well. 病人身体恢复很好.     Mother and baby are doing well. 母子均平安. do well by sb treat sb generously 慷慨对待某人. do `well for oneself become successful or prosperous (个人)成功, 富裕. do well out of sb/sth make a profit out of or obtain money from sb/sth 从某人[某事物]处获得利益或金钱. do well to do sth (esp as a warning) act wisely or prudently in doing sth (尤指提醒或警告)做某事时聪明或谨慎     You would do well to remember who is paying the bill. 你最好记住是谁付的帐.     They would do well to concentrate more on their work. 他们最好认真工作.     You did well to sell when the price was high. 你趁价高卖出做得聪明. fucking well => fuck. jolly well => jolly. leave/let well a`lone not interfere with sth that is satisfactory or adequate 对感到满意或满足的事物不再触动; 维持原状     Any changes would be very difficult to make so it´s better to leave well alone. 做任何改动都很困难, 还是见好就收吧. may/might (just) as well do sth in the circumstances, no harm will come from doing sth 做某事倒也无妨     Since nobody else wants the job, we might as well let him have it. 既然谁也不要这份工作,咱们不妨让他去做吧. one may/might as well be hanged/hung for a sheep as a lamb => hang1. mean well => mean1. mean well by sb => mean1. pretty much/nearly/well => pretty. promise well => promise2. speak well for sb/sth => speak. stand well with sb be in sb´s favour 受某人喜爱. ,very `well (used to indicate that one agrees or obeys, esp after sb else has persuaded, ordered or requested one to do sth 用以表示同意或服从(尤指经劝说、 命令或要求後))     Very well, doctor, I´ll try to take more exercise. 好吧, 大夫, 那我就尽量多锻炼锻炼吧.     Oh, very well, if you insist. 噢, 好啦, 你一定要这样就听你的吧. ,well and `truly (infml 口) completely; decisively 完全地; 果断地     By that time we were well and truly lost. 到那时, 我们完全迷路了. well aware of sth/that... fully informed or conscious 充分了解或意识到     I´m well aware of the risks. 我清楚知道其中的风险. `well away (a) having made good progress 已很有进展     By the end of the month, we´ll be well away. 到本月底我们就很有成绩了. (b) (infml 口) (beginning to be) drunk or hilarious (逐渐)醉或欢闹起来. well in (with sb) (infml 口) regarded as a close friend (by sb); accepted (被某人)视为密友; 被当作自己人     She seems to be well in with the right people. 她和她应该相处的人看来十分融洽. well `off in a good position, esp financially 境况良好; (尤指)富裕     His family is not very well off. 他家不太富裕.     You don´t need to look for another job you´re well off where you are. 你用不著另找工作--你现在的境况很不错了. well off for sth having plenty of sth 有很多     We´re well off for storage space in the new flat. 我们的新公寓里有很多储藏东西的地方. wish sb/sth well/ill => wish. well (Compound adjs formed from well- + past participles are usu hyphenated when attributive but not hyphenated when predicative, except when the adj has acquired a restricted sense. 由well- +过去分词构成的复合形容词, 用作定语时通常中间有连字符, 用作表语时中间无连字符, 但这类形容词的词义有限定时仍需用连接号.) well interj (esp in spoken English 尤用於口语) 1 (used to express astonishment 用以表示惊讶)     Well, who would have thought it? 嗳, 谁想得到是这样啊?     Well, well ( I should never have guessed it)! 呦, 呦(--那我可决猜不著)!     Well, you `do surprise me! 哟, 你真吓了我一跳! 2 (used to express relief 用以表示宽慰)     Well, thank goodness that´s over! 嗳, 谢天谢地, 这件事总算过去了!     Well, here we are at last! 好啦, 我们终於到了! 3 (also oh well) (used to express resignation用以表示无可奈何)     Oh well, there´s nothing we can do about it. 唉, 这件事我们无能为力了.     Well, it can´t be helped. 唉, 没有办法. 4 (also very well) (used to express agreement or understanding 用以表示同意或理解)     Very well, then, I´ll accept your offer. 好吧, 那我就接受你的好意. 5 (used when conceding a point in an argument, etc 在争论等中, 用以对某一点表示让步)     Well, you may be right. 好了, 也许你说得对. 6 (used when resuming a conversation, etc or changing the subject after a pause 在交谈的停顿後, 用以接续或改换话题)     Well, as I was saying,... 唉, 我刚才说的...     Well, the next day... 对了, 第二天...     Well, let´s move on to the next item. 好了, 咱们谈下一个问题吧. 7 (used to express hesitation, doubt, etc 用以表示犹豫、 怀疑等)     `Do you want to come?´ `Well I´m not sure.´ `你想来吗?'`嗯--我还说不好.' 8 (idm 习语) well I `never (`did)! (infml 口) (used as an exclamation of pleased or annoyed astonishment 用作喜悦的或恼怒的惊叹语).




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