

单词 welcome
释义 welcome adj 1 received with or giving pleasure 受欢迎的; 令人愉快的     a welcome change, relief, rest, sight, visitor 可喜的变化、 及时的救助、 巴不得的休息、 悦目的景象、 受欢迎的客人     welcome news 好消息 * Your offer of a loan is extremely welcome just now. 你提供这笔贷款是解救燃眉之急.     We had the feeling that we were not welcome at the meeting. 我们感到人家不欢迎我们到会. 2 [pred 作表语] ~ to sth/to do sth (a) freely permitted to take sth or to do sth 可随意取用某物或做某事     You are welcome to use/to the use of my car any time. 你不必客气可随时用我的汽车.     She´s welcome to stay here whenever she likes. 欢迎她随时到这里来住.     You are welcome to any books you would like to borrow. 你想借什麽书就随便借好了. (b) (ironic 反语) freely permitted to have sth or to do sth because the speaker does not want to have it or to do it 可随意取用某物或做某事(因是说话的人不想要的或不想做的)     If anyone thinks he can do this job any better, he´s welcome to it/to try! ie I´ll gladly let him do it. 谁要是能把这件事做得更好, 谁就来做[试试]! (我乐不得别人来做呢.)     As far as I´m concerned, if it´s my desk she wants, she´s welcome to it! 假若她想要的是我的办公桌, 她尽管拿走, 我还求之不得呢! 3 (idm 习语) make sb `welcomemake sb feel that he is welcome; receive sb hospitably 使某人感到受欢迎; 款待某人. you´re `welcome (used as a polite reply to thanks 用作答谢的客套话) there is no need to thank me 不用谢; 别客气. welcome, interj (greeting used by a person who is already in a place to one who is arriving 迎接时用的招呼语)     Welcome! Come in and meet my parents. 欢迎、 欢迎! 进来见见我的父母.     Welcome back/home! 欢迎归来!     Welcome on board! 欢迎各位乘坐本次航班!     Welcome to England! 欢迎您来到英国! welcome, n 1 greeting or reception, esp a kind or glad one; saying `welcome´ 招呼, 接待, 招待(尤指亲切的或热情的); 说`欢迎'     an enthusiastic, a hearty, a warm, etc welcome 热情的、 衷心的、 热烈的...欢迎     The victorious team were given a tumultuous welcome when they arrived home. 凯旋的队受到热烈的欢迎.     She was touched by the warmth of their welcome. 他们热情欢迎她, 她深受感动. 2 (idm 习语) outstay/overstay one´s `welcomestay too long as a guest, causing inconvenience or annoyance to one´s host 做客时间过久使主人不便或烦恼. welcome, v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] greet (sb) on his arrival 欢迎, 迎接(某人)     a welcoming smile 欢迎的微笑     We were welcomed at the door by the children. 我们一到门口, 孩子就都来欢迎我们.     She welcomed the visitors warmly. 她热情地迎接客人.     It is a pleasure to welcome you (back) on the show. 热烈欢迎您(回)来演出. 2 [Tn] (a) show or feel pleasure or satisfaction at (sth) 对(某事物)表示或感到愉快或满意     The changes were welcomed by everybody. 这些变动皆大欢喜.     We welcome the opportunity to express our gratitude. 我们能有机会表示谢意十分高兴. (b) react to (sth) in the specified manner 对(某事物)做出某种反应     welcome the news with amazement, indifference, enthusiasm, etc 对这一消息表示惊奇、 无动於衷、 很感兴趣等     welcome a suggestion coldly, enthusiastically, warmly, etc 冷淡地、 热情地、 热心地...对待一项建议.




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