

单词 wave
释义 wave v 1 [I] (of a fixed object) move regularly and loosely to and fro or up and down (指固定的物体)往复或上下摆动或摇动     a flag waving in the breeze 在微风中飘扬的旗子     branches waving in the wind 随风摇动的树枝     a field of waving corn 起伏的麦浪. 2 (a) [I, Ipr] ~ (at/to sb) (of a person) move one´s hand to and fro or up and down, eg in order to attract sb´s attention (指人)挥手, 招手, 摆手     He waved (to us) when he saw us. 他看见我们时(向我们)挥了挥手.     They waved at us from across the room. 他们从房间那一头向我们招手. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Dpr.t] ~ sth (at sb); ~ sth about cause (one´s hand or sth held in one´s hand) to move up and down or to and fro, eg in order to make a signal or give a greeting 挥动(手或手中物)(如为示意或致意)     wave a magic wand 挥动魔杖     wave a hand, a flag, an umbrella (at sb) (向某人)招手、 摇旗子、 挥动伞     He came out waving the document at the crowd. 他出来时向人群挥舞著文件.     wave one´s arms (about) (in the air) 挥舞著双臂     They waved to us to stay where we were. 他们向我们挥手, 要我们停在原地. (c) [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) give (a greeting) (to sb) by waving one´s hand 挥手(向某人)(致意)     They waved farewell. 他们挥手告别.     wave sb goodbye/wave goodbye to sb 向某人挥手告别. 3 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) form a series of curves (使某物)呈波形     Her hair waves beautifully. 她的鬈发很漂亮.     She has had her hair waved. 她烫发了. 4 (idm 习语) fly/show/wave the `flag => flag1. 5 (phr v) wave sb/sth along, away, on, etc show that (a person or vehicle) should move in the specified direction, by waving one´s hand 向(某人或车)挥手示意向某方向移动     She waved them away impatiently. 她不耐烦地挥手让他们走开.     The policeman waved us on, ie indicated that we should continue. 警察挥手让我们继续前进. wave sth aside dismiss (an objection, etc) as unimportant or irrelevant 不理会(反对意见等)     Their criticisms were waved aside. 他们提出的批评意见没人理会. wave sth/sb down signal to (a vehicle or its driver) to stop, by waving one´s hand 挥手示意让(车或司机)停下来.




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