

单词 view
释义 view n 1 [U] state of seeing or being seen from a particular place; field of vision 观看; 看; 视野; 视场; 眼界     The lake came into view/We came in view of the lake as we turned the corner. 我们转过弯就看见那个湖了.     The sun disappeared from view behind a cloud./A cloud hid the sun from view. 太阳被云遮住看不[浮云遮住了太阳.]     She was soon lost from view amongthe crowd. 她很快就在人群中消失了.     The man in front was obstructing my view of the pitch. 有前面那个说仓 我看不见球赛. 2 [C] what can be seen from a particular place, esp fine natural scenery 从某处看到的东西; (尤指)自然美景, 风景     enjoying the magnificent views from the summit, over the mountains 在群山之颠欣赏那壮丽的景色     10 different views of London, eg on picture postcards 伦敦十景(如明信片上印的)     [sing] You´ll get a better view of the pianist if you stand up. 你站起来, 就能更清楚地看到那位钢琴家. 3 (also viewing)[C] (opportunity for a) special visual inspection of eg a film or an art exhibition (一次)观看(如影片或展览)     We had a private view of the jewels before the public auction. 那些珠宝公开拍卖以前我们私下看了预展.4 [C esp pl 尤作复数] ~ (about/on sth) personal opinion or attitude; thought or observation (on a subject) (个人的)意见, 态度; (对某问题的)想法, 见解     have, hold, express, air strong political views 有、 持、 表达、 发表强硬的政治观点     oppose, support sb´s extreme views 反对、 支持某人过激的看法     What are your views on her resignation? 你对她辞职有什麽想法?     We fell in with (ie agreed with) the committee´s views. 我们同意委员会的意见. 5 [sing] way of understanding or interpretinga subject, series of events, etc; mental impression (理解或解释某问题的)方式, 方法; 印象     The scientific, legal, medical, etc view is that... 科学的、 法律上的、 医学上的...解释是...     a highly controversial view of modern art 对现代艺术极有争议的理解方法     take a realistic, favourable, pessimistic, etc view of the problem 对该问题有实际的、 好的、 悲观的...印象     This book gives readers an inside view of (ie an insighviewfinder n device on a camera showing the area that will be photographed through the lens (照相机的)取景器. =>illus at camera 见 camera 插图. view v (fml 文) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a] ~ sth (as sth) consider sth in the mind; regard sth (as sth) 考虑或认为某事物     How do you view your chances of success?你认为你获得成功有多大把握?     Future developments will be viewed with interest. 未来的情况令人向往.     Has the matter been viewed from the taxpayers´ standpoint? 这个问题是否从纳税人的立场上考虑过?     Viewed from the outside, the company seemed genuine. 从外表上看, 这家公司倒像是真的.     The attack on the ship was viewed as an act of war. 攻击了那条船已视作战争行为. 2 [Tn] look at or watch (sth) carefully 仔细察看或注视(某事物)     view a battle through binoculars from the top of a hill 从山顶上用双筒望远镜观察战斗情况     The film hasn´t been viewed by the censor. 这部影片尚未经审查. 3 [Tn] inspect (a house, property, etc) with the idea of buying it 查看(房子、 地产等)(以考虑购买)     open for viewing between 10.00 and 12.00 10时至12时可供查看. 4 [I] watch television 看电视     the viewing public 电视观众. 5 (idm 习语) an order to view => order1.




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