

单词 verge
释义 verge n 1 (a) = soft shoulder (soft)     Heavy lorries have damaged the grass verge. 重型卡车把长草的软质路肩轧坏了. (b) grass edging along a path or round a flower-bed, etc (道路、 花坛等的)长著草的边缘. 2 (idm 习语) on/to the verge of sth at or close to the point where sth new begins or takes place 在某事即将发生之际; 接近出现某事物之点     on the verge of war, success, bankruptcy 在接近战争爆发、 成功、 破产之际     Her misery brought her to the verge of tears. 她难过得快要哭了. verge, v (phr v) verge on sth be very close or similar to sth; be approaching sth 极接近某事物     a situation verging on the ridiculous, tragic, chaotic, etc 迹近可笑的、 悲惨的、 混乱的...地步     He´s verging on 80 now and needs constant attention. 他已近80岁, 需要侍候左右.




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