

单词 value
释义 value n 1 (a) [C, U] worth of sth in terms of money or other goods for which it can be exchanged 价值     a decline in the value of the dollar, pound, etc 美元、 英镑等价值的下跌     pay above/below the market value for sth 付出高或低於]市价购买某物     rising share, land, property values 上涨的股票、 土地、 房地产的价值     gain, appreciate, go up, etc in value 增值     drop, fall, go down, etc in value 贬值     order software to the value of 700 定购价值为700英镑的软件. (b) [U] worth of sth compared with the price paid for it 值(价值抵得上); 上算     This tea is good value at 39p a packet. 这种茶39便士一包, 很实惠.     Charter flights give/offer the best value for (your) money. 乘坐包机最合算. 2 [U] quality of being useful or worthwhile or important 实用性; 有价值; 重要性     the value of regular exercise 经常练习的好处     be of great, little, some, no, etc value to sb 对某人有很大、 没什麽、 有一些、 毫无...帮助     have a high novelty, street, entertainment value 在创新方面、 黑市上、 娱乐性上有很高价值     have a high energy, nutritionalvalue 有很高的能量、 营养价值     the news value of a royal romance 皇室春情的新闻价值. 3 values [pl] moral or professional standards of behaviour; principles 价值观念; 道德观念; 职业道德; 行为标准; 准则     artistic, legal, scientific values 艺术、 法律、 科学标准     a return to Victorian values 恢复到维多利亚时代的标准     the values of justice and democracy 正义和民主的价值观     hold, respect, adopt, etc a set of values 遵循、 尊重、 奉行...一套准则. 4 (a) [C] (mathematics 数) number or quantity represented by a letter 值; 数值     find the value of x 求x的值. (b) [C] (music 音) full time indicated by a note 时值     Give the semibreve its full value. 奏出该全音符的全音长. (c) [U] (in language) meaning; effect (语言的)意义, 作用     use a word with all its poetic value 充分发挥一词的诗意色彩. (d) [C] (in art) relation of light and shade (绘画的)明暗关系     tone values in a painting 画中的色调值. Cf 参看 face value (face1). value, v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (at sth) estimate the money value of sth 估计某物的价值; 给某物估价     He valued the house for me at 80000. 那所房子他给我估价80000英镑. 2 [Tn, Cn.n/a] ~ sth/sb (as sth) (not used in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) have a high opinion of sth/sb 重视某事物[某人]     value sb´s advice 重视某人的劝告     value truth above all else 把真理看得比什麽都重要     a valued client, customer, etc 重要的主顾、 顾客等     Do you value her as a friend? 你把她当好朋友吗? valuer n person whose profession is to estimate the money value of property, land, etc (房地产等的)估价人.




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