

单词 brand
释义 brand n 1 (a) particular make of goods or their trade mark 商品的牌子; 商标     Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer? 你爱用什麽牌子的牙膏?     [attrib 作定语] a `brand name 商标名称     brand loyalty, ie tendency of customers to continue buying the same brand 对某商标的信赖(顾客购买同一牌子商品的倾向). (b) particular type or kind 特殊的种类     a strange brand of humour 一种古怪的幽默. 2 piece of burning wood 燃烧著的木头. 3 (a) mark of identification (esp on cattle and sheep) made with a hot iron 烙印(尤指打在牛羊身上的). (b) (also `branding-iron) iron used for this (作上述用的)烙铁. =>illus at iron 见iron之插图. brand, v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sth) mark sth with or as if with a brand(3a) (似)在某事物上打烙印     On big farms cattle are usually branded. 大农场里的牛通常打有烙印.     (fig 比喻) The experiences of his unhappy childhood are branded on his memory. 他童年的不幸遭遇铭刻在他的记忆里. 2 [Tn, Cn.n, Cn.n/a] ~ sb (as sth) give a bad name to sb; denounce sb 给某人加上污名; 谴责某人     The scandal branded him for life. 这件丑事使他终生蒙受耻辱.     He was branded (as) a trouble-maker for taking part in the demonstration. 他因参加了示威游行而被指责为捣乱分子.




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