

单词 un-
释义 un- pref 前缀 1 (with adjs, advs and ns 与形容词、 副词和名词结合) not 不; 非: unable     unconsciously * untruth.2 (a) (with vs forming vs 与动词结合构成动词) reverse or opposite of 相反; 对立: unlock     undo. (b) (withns forming vs 与名词结合构成动词) remove from or deprive of 移走; 免去: unearth     unmask * unhorse. un-, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     Compare the negative prefixes non-, un-, dis- and a-. 试比较含否定意义的前缀n on-、un-、 dis-、 a-. 1 Non- and un- are the most freelyadded prefixes. *non-和un-在使用上最为自由. Non-is used with nouns, adjectives and adverbs and indicates an absence of something *non-附加在名词、 形容词、 副词前, 表示没有或不存在某事物     a non-drinker 不喝酒的人     a non-stick pan 不粘底的锅     speaking non-stop说个不停. Un- is added to adjectives and indicates the opposite quality from the simple word *un-附加在形容词前, 表示与原词相反的意义     unexpected = `surprising´(没有料到的)     unwise = `foolish´ (愚蠢的). Compare non-British (`of a nationality which is not British´) andun-British (`being disloyal to Britain´). 试比较non-British(非英国籍的)和un-British(不忠於英国的). 2 In- is used with fewer words than un-, also to form opposites. *in-也用以构成反义词, 但能与之结合的词较un-少些. There are variant spellings 这一前缀有几种拼写形式     il- before l (illogical); im- before b, m, p (imbalance, immaterial, impossible) and ir- before r (irresponsible).*il-用於l之前(illogical); im-用於b、 m、 p之前(imbalance、 immaterial、 impossible); ir-用於r之前(irresponsible). 3 Dis- is also used with verbs, adjectives and nouns to form opposites *dis-亦用於动词、 形容词、 名词之前, 构成反义词: dislike 不喜欢     disobedient 不服从的 * distrust 不信任. 4 A- is mostly used in formal or technical words to indicate `lacking in´ or `lack of´ *a-主要用在较文的词或科技词之前, 表示`缺乏'或`无'     amorphous (`lacking in shape´) 无定形的     anarchy (`lack of rule´) 无政府状态. 5 It is not possible to predict whether un-, in- or dis- is used with a particular word and the correct form must be noted and learned 一个词的前缀究竟是用un-、 in-还是dis-是没有固定规律可循的, 只好留心逐一记住.




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