

单词 turn in
释义 turn in (a) face or curve inwards 面朝内; 向内弯     Her feet turn in as she walks. 她走路时两脚呈内八字. (b) (infml 口) go to bed 去睡觉     It´s late; I think I´ll turn in. 不早了, 我该睡觉去了. turn sb in (infml 口) hand sb over to the police to be arrested 将某人交给警方拘押     She threatened to turn him in. 她威胁说要向警方告发他. turn sth in (a) give back sth that one no longer needs; return sth 交还或退还某物     You must turn in your kit (ie uniform, etc) before you leave the army. 退伍时应将装备(制服等)缴回. (b) stop doing sth; abandon sth 停止做某事; 放弃某事物     The job was damaging his health so he had to turn it in. 那工作危害他的健康, 所以他只好放弃了. (c) record or achieve (a score, performance, etc) 取得(分数等); 完成(表演等)     Thompson turned in a superb performance to win the decathlon. 汤普森在十项全能比赛中表现十分出色. turn `in on oneself become preoccupied with one´s own problems and stop communicating with others 埋头於自己的事务而不与他人联系     She´s really turned in on herself since Peter left her. 彼得离开她以後, 她就闭门杜绝人事了.




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