

单词 treble
释义 treble adj, n three times as much or as many 三倍的; 三重的     a treble portion of ice-cream, ie three times as big as the normal one 三倍分量的冰激凌     He earns treble my salary. 他挣的钱是我的三倍. treble, v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become three times as much or as many (使某事物)增加到三倍或增加两倍     He´s trebled his earnings in two years. 他两年间收入已增加两倍.     The newspaper´s circulation has trebled since last year. 去年以来该报的发行量已增加到原来的三倍. treble n (a) highest voice in choral singing, esp the unbroken male voice (合唱中的)最高音(尤指连续的男声)     a choir of trebles 最高音合唱. (b) child with such a voice 唱最高音的儿童. (c) part for such a voice 最高声部     He sings treble. 他唱最高声部. treble, adj [attrib 作定语] high-pitched in tone 声调高的; 高音的; 尖声的     a treble voice 尖利的嗓音     a treble recorder 高音竖笛     the treble clef, ie the symbol in music showing that the notes following it are high in pitch 高音谱号. Cf 参看 bass.




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