

单词 translate
释义 translate v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (from sth) (into sth) express (sth spoken or esp written) in another language or in simpler words 翻译(某言语, 尤指文字); 用简易的语言表达(某事)     He doesn´t understand Greek, so I offered to translate. 他不懂希腊文, 我主动给他翻译.     translate an article into Dutch 把一篇文章译成荷兰文     `War and Peace´, newly translated from the original Russian 从俄语原文重新翻译的《战争与和平》     Can someone translate this legal jargon into plain English for me? 谁能把这一法律术语用简单易懂的英语给我说一遍? 2 [I] be capable of being translated in another language 能被翻译     Most poetry doesn´t translate well. 诗歌大多翻译不好. 3 [Tn.pr] ~ sth into sth express (ideas, feelings, etc) in a different (esp a more concrete) form 把(思想、 情感等)用另一种(尤指更具体的)形式表现出来     It´s time to translateour ideas into action. 我们该把思想变为行动了. 4 [Cn.n/a]~ sth as sth judge or guess that sth has the specified meaning or intention; interpret sth as sth 断定或猜想某事物的意义或意图; 解释某事物     I translated her silence as assent. 我认为她沉默不语就是同意了. Cf 参看 interpret.




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