

单词 transfer
释义 transfer v (-rr-) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth/sb (from...) (to...) move sth/sb from one place to another 将某物[某人]由一处转移到另一处:The head office has been transferred from London to Cardiff.总部已由伦敦迁至加的夫.     She´s being transferred to our Paris branch. 她已调到我们在巴黎的分部.     (fig 比喻) transfer one´s affections/one´s allegiance, ie become fond of/loyal to sb else 转移爱心[忠诚](至另一对象). 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sb) (to sb) hand over the possession of (property, etc) 转让(财产等)     transfer rights to sb 把权利让与某人. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) (to sth) copy (recorded material) using a different recording or storage medium (用不同的录制或存储手段)转录或转存(资料)     transfer computer data from disk to tape 把计算机资料由磁盘转录到磁带上.4 [I, Ipr] ~ (from...) (to...) (a) change to anotherplace, group, occupation, etc 调动; 调任     He has transferredfrom the warehouse to the accounts office. 他已由仓库调到会计室任职. (b) change to another route, means of transport, etc during a journey (旅途中)改变路线、 交通工具等; 转乘; 换乘     We had to transfer from Gatwick to Heathrow to catch a plane to Belfast. 我们得从盖特威克机场转到希思罗机场好赶上飞往贝尔法斯特的班机. transfer n 1 [C, U] (instance of) transferring or being transferred 转移; 转让; 转录; 调动     The club´s goalkeeper isn´t happy here, and has asked for a transfer (to another club). 该足球俱乐部的守门员在此不愉快, 已要求转到其他俱乐部.     the transfer of currency from one country to another 货币由一国向另一国的汇兑. 2 (a) [U] changing to a different vehicle, route, etc during a journey (旅途中的)中转, 换乘, 改变路线     [attrib 作定语] Would all transfer passengers please report to the airport transfer desk. 凡需中转的旅客请到机场的中转服务台办理手续. (b) [C] (esp US) ticket that allows a passenger to continue his journey on another bus, etc 换乘票(可中途换乘另一公共汽车等的票). 3 [C] (esp Brit) decorative picture or design that is or can be removed from (usu) a piece of paper and stuck onto another surface by being pressed, heated, etc 移印图案(供转印的装饰画或图案, 通常附於纸上, 可用加压、 加热等方法转印到他物上).




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