

单词 trail
释义 trail n 1 mark or sign in the form of a long line left by sth or sb passing by 痕迹; 足迹; 踪迹     vapour trails, eg those left in the sky by high-flying aircraft 蒸汽尾迹(如飞机在高空飞行留下的)     The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it. 飓风过後满目疮痍.     tourists who leave a trail of litter everywhere they go 一路走一路乱扔垃圾的游客. 2 path, esp through roughcountry 小路(尤指穿过不平坦的郊野的)     a trail throughthe forest 穿过森林的小路     a `nature trail 穿过郊野的小路. 3 track or scent followed in hunting (打猎或追踪时搜寻的)痕迹, 臭迹     The police are on the escaped convict´s trail, ie are pursuing him. 警方正在追捕逃犯. 4 (idm 习语) blaze a trail => blaze3. hit the trail => hit1. hot on sb´s tracks/trail; hot on the trail => hot. trail, v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) be dragged behind (使某物)被拖在後面     Her long skirt was trailing along/on the floor. 她的长裙拖在地板上.     a bird trailing a broken wing 耷拉著一个断翅的鸟     I trailed my hand in the water as the boat drifted along. 小船漂流向前, 我把手伸进水里让它拖著走. =>Usage at pull2 用法见pull2. 2 [Ipr, Ip] ~ along behind (sb/sth), etc walk or move wearily, esp behind or later than others 疲惫地走或磨蹭(尤指跟在或落在後面)     The tired children trailed along behind their parents. 孩子们累了, 没精打采地跟在父母後面.     The horse I had backed trailed in last. 我下赌注的那匹马落在後面, 跑了个倒数第一.     (fig 比喻) This country is still trailing far behind (others) in computer research. 这个国家的计算机研究工作远远落後(他国). 3 [I, Ipr] ~ (by/in sth) (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) be losing a game or some other contest (在比赛、 竞赛等中)输, 失败, 失利     trailing by two goals to one at half-time 上半场以二比一落後     The party is trailing badly in the opinion polls. 该党在民意测验中大大失利. 4 [Ipr] (of plants) grow randomly over a surface, downwards or along the ground with long winding stems (指植物)蔓生, 蔓延     roses trailing over the walls 蔓生在墙上的蔷薇. 5 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (to sth) follow the trail of sb/sth; track sb/sth 追踪或尾随某人[某事物]     trail a criminal, a wild animal 追踪罪犯、 野兽. 6 (phr v) trail away/off (of sb´s speech) gradually become quieter and then stop, esp because of shyness, confusion, etc (指某人说话)声音逐渐减弱到不出声(尤指因害羞、 慌乱等所致).




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