

单词 tick
释义 tick n 1 light and regularly repeated sound, esp that of a clock or watch 滴答声(尤指钟表的). 2 (infml 口) moment 一会儿: Just wait a tick! 等一下儿!     I´ll be down in half a tick/in two ticks. 我马上就下来. 3 (US check) mark put beside an item in a list to show that it has been checked or done or is correct (画於表册上的项目旁边, 表示已核对、 已做或正确无误的)记号, 对号. =>illus 见插图. tick, v 1 [I, Ip] ~ (away) (of a clock, etc) make a series of ticks (tick1 1) (指钟等)发出滴答声     My watch doesn´t tick because it´s electric. 我的表是电动的, 不滴答响.     listened to the clock ticking/the ticking of the clock 听钟滴答作响     While we waited the taxi´s meter kept ticking away. 我们等候时, 计程车里的计程表一直在滴答地响著. 2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (off) put a tick1(3) beside (an item, etc) 在(项目等)旁边做核对记号     tick (off) the names of those present 在出席者的姓名旁做记号     The jobs that are done have been ticked off. 做完的工作都标上了记号. 3 (idm 习语) what makes sb `tick (infml 口) what makes sb behave in the way he does 某人这样做的原因是什麽     I´ve never really understood what makes her tick. 我实在弄不明白她为什麽这样. 4 (phr v) tick away/by (of time) pass (指时间)过去     Meanwhile the minutes kept ticking away. 其时, 时间一分一分地过去. tick sth away (of a clock, etc) mark the passage of time (指钟等)表示时间过去     The station clock ticked away the minutes. 车站的钟显示时间一分一分地过去. tick sb off (infml 口) rebuke or scold sb 责骂或斥责某人     get ticked off for careless work 因工作不细心而挨骂. tick over (a) (of an engine) idle (指发动机)空转, 慢转     I stopped the car but left the motor ticking over. 我停住汽车, 让发动机空转. (b) (of activities) continue in a routine way (指活动)照常进行     Just try and keep things ticking over while I´m away. 在我离开的期间, 尽量使事情照常进行. tick n 1 any of various types of small parasitic insect that suck blood 蜱. 2 (Brit sl 俚) unpleasant or contemptible person 讨厌的或可鄙的人. tick n 1 [C] case of a mattress or pillow, in which the filling is contained 褥套; 枕心套. 2 [U] = ticking. tick n [U] (infml 口 esp Brit) credit 赊欠: get tick 赊帐     buy goods on tick 赊帐购物.




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