

单词 throw sb out
释义 throw sb out (a) force (a trouble-maker, etc) to leave 赶走, 轰走(闹事的人等)     The drunk was thrown out (of the pub). 那醉鬼(从酒馆)给赶了出去. (b) distract or confuse sb; cause sb to make a mistake 使某人分心、 糊涂或出差错     Do keep quiet or you´ll throw me out in my calculations. 你可得安静点儿了, 要不然我没法计算了. throw sth out (a) utter sth in a casual or spontaneous way 漫不经心地或随口说出某事     throw out a hint, a suggestion, an idea, etc 漫不经心地吐露口风、 提出建议、 说出想法等. (b) reject (a proposal, an idea, etc) 拒不接受(建议、 主意等). (c) = throw sth away (a)     It´s time we threw that old chair out it´s completely broken. 咱们得把那个旧椅子扔了--已经散架子了.




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