

单词 think of sth/doing sth
释义 think of sth/doing sth (a) take sth into account; consider sth 考虑到某事物     There are so many things to think of before we decide. 我们要考虑到许多方面然後才能做决定.     You can´t expect me to think of everything! 你不能指望我把什麽事都想到了! (b) contemplate the possibility of sth (without reaching a decision or taking action) 考虑某事的可能性(未做出决定亦未采取行动)     They´re thinking of moving to America. 他们有意移居美国.     I did think of resigning, but I decided not to.我原来确实打算辞职, 但後来打消了这个念头. (c) imagine sth 想像某事物     Just think of the expense! 想想这笔开销吧!     To think of his not knowing (ie How surprising that he didn´t know) about it! 想想看, 他对此事竟一无所知! (d) have the idea of sth 对某事物有见解 (often used with could, would, should, and not or never 常与could、 would、 should及not、 never连用)     I couldn´t think of letting you take the blame. 我没想到过能让你承担责任.     She would never think of marrying someone so old. 她从未想过嫁给年纪这麽大的人. (e) call sth to mind; remember sth 想起或记得某事物     I can´t think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字了. (f) put sth forward; suggest sth 提出或建议某事     Can anybody think of a way to raise money? 有人能想出筹款的办法吗?     Who first thought of the idea? 是谁先出的这个主意?




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