

单词 bond
释义 bond n 1 [C] (a) written agreement or promise that has legal force; covenant (具有法律效力的)书面协定或允诺; 契约; 合同; 票据     We entered into a solemn bond. 我们缔结了一项正式协定. (b) signed document containing such an agreement 已签署的上述文件. 2 [C] certificate issued by a government or a company acknowledging that money has been lent to it and will be paid back with interest (政府或公司发行的)有息债券     National Savings bonds 国家储蓄债券 * Government bonds 公债. 3 [C] thing that unites people or groups; link or tie 将人或团体联合起来的事物; 联系; 关系     the bonds of friendship/affection 友谊[感情]的纽带     The trade agreement helped to strengthen the bonds between the two countries. 这项贸易协定有助於加强两国之间的联系. 4 [sing] state of being joined 连接; 接合; 结合     This glue makes a good firm bond. 这种胶水粘得很结实. 5 bonds [pl] ropes or chains binding a prisoner 捆绑囚犯的绳索或锁链     (fig 比喻) the bonds of oppression, tyranny, injustice, etc 压迫、专制、不公正等桎梏. 6 (idm 习语) in/out of bond (commerce 商) (of imported goods) in/out of a bonded warehouse (指进口货物)在关栈中(尚未完税)[由关栈提出(已完税)]     place goods in/take goods out of bond 将(未完税)货物存入关栈[将(已完税)货物由关栈提出]. sb´s word is as good as his bond => word. bond, v 1 [Tn] put (goods) in a bonded warehouse 将(货物)存入关栈     bonded whisky, cigarettes, etc 扣存关栈以待完税的威士忌、香烟等. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ A and B (together); ~ A to B join two things securely together; unite two things with a bond 将两个物体牢固结合起来; 用黏结剂将两个物体接合起来     You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上.




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