

单词 tax
释义 ax n 1 [C, U] (sum of) money to be paid by people or businesses to a government for publicpurposes 税; 税额     income/property/sales tax 所得[物业/营业]税     value-added tax 增值税     levy a tax on sth 对某物徵税     direct/indirect taxes 直接[间接]税     paid over 1000 in taxes last year 去年交纳1000多英镑的税     [attrib 作定语] tax evasion 逃税. Cf 参看 duty 3, tariff 2. 2 (idm 习语) a tax on sth a burden or strain on sth 某物的负担或重负     a tax on one´s health, patience, strength, etc 对健康、 耐力、 体力等的影响. tax, v [Tn] 1 impose a tax on (sb/sth); require (sb) to pay tax 对(某人[某事物])徵税; 要求(某人)纳税: tax luxuries 徵奢侈品税     tax rich and poor alike 对贫富一律徵税     My income is taxed at source, ie Tax is deducted from it before it is paid to me. 我的收入已先行扣除了所得税. 2 make heavy demands on (sth); strain 造成(某事物)的重负; 使超过极限     His constant requests for help taxed our goodwill. 他不断要求我们帮助他, 过分利用了我们对他的好意.     All these questions are beginning to tax my patience. 所有这些问题逐渐使我不胜其烦. 3 pay tax on (sth) 给(某物)纳税; 上税     The car is taxed until July. 这辆汽车七月前已上税. 4 (idm 习语) tax one´s/sb´s brain(s) set sb/oneself a difficult mental task 给某人[自己]安排伤脑筋的工作     This crossword will really tax your brain. 这纵横字谜真能让人大伤脑筋. 5 (phr v) tax sb with sth (fml 文) accuse sb of sth 指控某人某事     She was taxed with negligence/with having been negligent. 她被指控疏忽职守. taxable adj that can be or is liable to be taxed 应纳税的; 可能需纳税的     taxable earnings 应纳税的收入. taxing adj tiring or demanding 累人的; 烦人的; 繁重的     a taxing job 烦人的工作.




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