

单词 talk
释义 talk n 1 [C] conversation; discussion 交谈; 商谈; 谈论; 会谈     I had a long talk with the headmaster about my son. 关於我儿子的问题我与校长谈了很长时间.     hold disarmament talks 举行裁军会谈     The latest round of pay talks has broken down, ie failed to reach an agreement. 最近一轮的工资谈判已经破裂. 2 [U] (a) talking, esp without action or result 谈话; (尤指)空谈     There´s too much talk and not enough work being done. 说得太多而做得太少. (b) rumour or gossip 谣言; 闲话     There´s (some) talk of a general election. 谣传要进行大选. 3 [C] informal lecture or speech 非正式的演讲或讲话     She gave a talk on her visit to China. 她就访华情况发表了非官方的讲话. 4 [U] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) way of speaking 说话的方式: baby-talk. 5 (idm 习语) be all `talk (and no action) make empty promises, claims, etc 说空话; 空许愿. fighting talk/words =>word. the talk of sth the main subject of conversation in (a place) (某地)谈论的主要话题; 街谈巷议的话题     Their engagement is the talk of the town. 他们订婚的事成了镇上谈论的话题. talk, NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 Talk as an uncountablenoun is a general word indicating the activity of speaking*talk作不可数名词时, 是泛指说话这一活动的词     In politics there is too much talk and not enough action. 在政治方面向来是说得多做得少.     Talk is very important in a child´s development. 儿童的语言表达能力在其发育过程中是很重要的. Talk can also be a countable noun referring to a (usually) short informal speech to a smallaudience, or, when used in the plural, to formal occasionsof serious talking, often between politicians *talk还可作可数名词, (通常)指在普通场合对少数人发表的简短讲话; 而作复数时则常指政治家之间在庄重的场合中进行的严肃谈话     She gave the society an illustrated talk on her travels in India. 她在协会中借助图片讲述其印度之行.     The two sides in the war have agreed to hold peace talks. 交战双方同意举行和谈. 2 Discussion indicates (a) talk with a serious purpose. *discussion指有重要目的之谈话. It is often a formal exchange of words in which speakers argue about and examine different aspects of a subject 这一词常指发言者就某问题的各个方面交换意见及进行辩论     The problem was solved only after several lengthy discussions. 那个问题几经长时间的讨论才得以解决.     a panel discussion on the radio on the future of the Health Service 无线电广播的展望公共医疗卫生服务的专题小组讨论会. 3 Conversation is usually social and friendly, often for the exchange of ideas or information *conversation 通常指亲切的交谈, 常以交流思想或情况为目的     Television has killed the art of conversation. 电视扼杀了交谈的艺术.     We had an interesting conversation about schools at lunch-time. 我们吃午饭时兴致勃勃地谈论各学校的情况. 4 Chat is (a) friendly talk, usually to exchange personal news, etc *chat是亲切的交谈, 通常为交流个人的情况等     I hadn´t seen him for years and we had a long chat about old times. 我几年没见他了, 我们聊过去的事聊了很长时间. 5 Gossip is derogatory and refers to talk about the private lives of other people, often of a critical kind. *gossip是贬义词, 指议论他人的私生活, 常有挑剔性质. A gossip is a person who gossips *gossip是爱说闲话的人     People always gossip a lot in a small village like this. 在这样的小村子里人们总是相互说长道短.     He´s a terrible gossip. 他专爱说人闲话. talk v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (to/with sb) (about/of sth/sb) say things; speak to give information, discuss sth, etc 说话; 谈话     We talked (ie to each other) for almost an hour. 我们谈了近一小时.     He was talking to/with a friend. 他在和朋友谈话.     What are they talking about? 他们说什麽呢?     She talked of applying for another job. 她谈到要另申请一份工作.     Are they talking in Spanish or Portuguese? 他们说的是西班牙语还是葡萄牙语? 2 [I] have the power of speech 有说话的能力     The child is learning to talk. 那孩子正在学说话. 3 [Tn] (a) discuss (sth) 讨论(某事); 谈论; 洽谈     talk business, politics, cricket 谈论生意、 政治、 板球. (b) express (sth) in words 用语言表达(某事); 说(某事)     talk sense/nonsense 说得有理[无理]     You´re talking rubbish. 你胡说. 4 [Tn] use (a particular language) talltame when speaking 用(某种语言)说; 说(某种语言): talk French 说法语. 5 [Cn.a] bring (oneself) into a certain condition by talking 说话说得(自己)(呈某种状态)     talk oneself hoarse 说话说得声音嘶哑. 6 [I] gossip 说闲话: We must stop meeting like this people are beginning to talk! 我们绝不能再这样约会了--人们已经说起闲话来了! 7 [I] give information 提供情况; 招供     The police persuaded the suspect to talk. 警方劝嫌疑犯招供. 8 [I] imitate the sounds of speech 模仿说话的声音     You can teach some parrots to talk. 可以教某些鹦鹉说话. =>Usage at say用法见say. 9 (idm 习语) be/get oneself`talked about be/become the subject of gossip 成为闲谈的话题; 成为话柄     Be more discreet or you´ll get yourself talked about. 要更谨慎些--否则你就会成为人们的话柄. know what one is talking about =>know. look who´s `talking (infml 口) you shouldn´t say such things about others since you are just as bad yourself 你还说别人(你自己也那样). money talks =>moneymoney. now you´re talking (infml 口) I welcome that offer or suggestion 这才像话; 这才合我的心意     Take the day off? Now you´re talking! 休息一天怎麽样? 这就好了! speak/talk of the devil =>devil1. talk `big boast 吹牛; 说大话     He talks big but doesn´t actually do anything. 他光吹牛, 什麽实际的事都不干. talk dirty use obscene language 说脏话; 说下流话. talk, etc nineteen to the dozen =>dozen. talk one´s `head off talk too much 说得太多. talk sb´s `head off weary sb by talking too much 说话太多而令某人生厌. talk the hind legs off a donkey (infml 口) (be able to) talk endlessly (能)说个没完. talk sense talk sensibly; say sth that is correct, acceptable, etc 说得有理; 说得对. talk `shop (usu derog 通常作贬义) discuss one´s work with colleagues, esp when with other people 与同事谈论自己的工作(尤指当著别人的面). talk through one´s `hat talk nonsense 胡说; 乱说. talk (to sb) like a Dutch `uncle lecture sb severely but kindly 严厉而善意地教训某人. talk `turkey (infml 口 esp US) talk frankly and bluntly 说话坦率. talk one´s way out of sth/doing sth avoid sth by clever talking 靠口才避开某事     I´d like to see him talk his way out of this one, ie this trouble he has got into. 我倒要看看他能说会道过得去这一关. talking of sb/sth while on the subject of sb/sth 说到或提到某人[某事物]     Talking of Jim, have you heard that he´s getting married? 说到吉姆, 你听说他要结婚了吗? `you can/can´t talk (infml 口) = look who´s talking. 10 (phr v) talk at sb speak to sb without listening to his replies 对某人说话而不听其反应     I don´t like being talked at. 我可不愿意听著一味冲著我讲的话.




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