

单词 take sth back
释义 take sth back (a) (of a shop) agree to accept or receive back (goods previously bought there) (指商店)同意(顾客)退货     We only take goods back if customers can produce the receipt. 顾客如能出示收据, 我们才能予以退货. (b) admit that sth one said was wrong or that one should not have said it; retract or withdraw sth 承认说了错话或不该说的话; 撤回或收回某言语     I take back what I said (about you being selfish). 我承认我不该说你(自私). take sb back (to...) cause sb´s thoughts to return to a past time 使某人回想(起...)     The smell of seaweed took him back to his childhood. 海草的气味使他回想起童年时代.     Hearing those old songs takes me back a bit. 我听到那些旧歌曲就有些怀旧.




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