

单词 table
释义 table n 1 [C] piece of furniture consisting of a flat top supported on one or more legs 桌子; 台子; 几: a `dining-table 餐桌     a `bedside-table 床侧小几     a `billiard-table 台球台     lay/set the table, ie prepare it for a meal with plates, cutlery, etc 摆餐具(准备用餐). =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xvi. 2 [sing] people seated at a table for a meal, etc (用餐等的)一桌人     His jokes amused the whole table. 他讲的笑话把满桌人都逗笑了.     a table of card-players 一桌玩纸牌的人. 3 [sing] food provided at table (摆上餐桌的)食物     He keeps a good table, ie provides good meals. 他常备佳肴. 4 [C] (also `tableland ) large area of high level land; plateau 台地; 高地; 高原. 5 [C] list of facts or figures systematically arranged, esp in columns 一览表; 目录; 表     a table of contents, ie a summary of what a book contains 目录     learn one´s (multiplication) tables 学会乘法表     Do you know your six times table? 你会六的乘数表吗? * log tables 对数表. 6 (idm 习语) at `table (while) having a meal 吃饭(时); 用餐(时)     Children must learn to behave at table. 小孩吃饭时必须有规矩.     (fml 文) They were at table when we called. 我们去拜访时, 他们正在吃饭. drink sb under the table=> drink2. lay/put one´s cards on the table => card1.the negotiating table => negotiate. on the `table (a) (Brit) offered for consideration or discussion 提交考虑或讨论     Management have put several new proposals on the table. 主管人员已将几项新建议提交讨论. (b) (esp US) (of a proposal, etc) left for discussion until some future date (指建议等)搁置, 留待日後讨论. turn the `tables (on sb) reverse a situation so as to put oneself in a position of superiority 由劣势转为优势; 扭转形势. under the `table (of money) paid secretly, esp as a bribe (指钱)私下付的(尤指作为贿赂). wait at table => wait1. table, v [Tn] 1 (Brit) submit (a motion or report in Parliament, etc) for discussion (在国会等)提出(动议或报告)供讨论     The Opposition have tabled several amendments to the bill. 反对党已对议案提出几项修正. 2 (esp US) leave (a proposal, etc) to be discussed at some future date 将(建议等)搁置, 留待日後讨论.




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