

单词 sweep
释义 sweep v (pt, pp swept ) 1 (a) [I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (from, off, into, etc sth); ~ sth (away, up, etc) remove (dust, dirt, etc) with or as if with a broom or brush 扫, 掸, 打扫(灰尘、 污垢等)     Have you swept in here? 这里你打扫过了吗?     sweep the dust from the carpets 清扫地毯上的灰尘     sweep the crumbs under the carpet, off the table, into the dustpan 清扫地毯下面的碎屑、 抹去桌子上面的面包屑、 把碎屑扫入簸箕里     sweep away bits of paper 把碎纸片扫掉     sweep the dead leaves up 扫除枯叶. (b) [Tn, Tn.p, Cn.a] ~ sth (out) clean sth by doing this 扫、 掸或打扫某物     sweep the carpet, floor, yard 打扫地毯、 地板、 院子     sweep out the porch 把门廊打扫乾净     sweep the chimney (free of soot) 打扫烟囱(的煤炱)     Have the stairs been swept clean? 楼梯打扫乾净了吗? 2 [Tn.pr,Tn.p] move or remove (sb/sth) powerfully and unstoppablyby pushing, flowing, etc 藉推力、 流动力等强劲而不停地带动或移走(某人[某物])     The current swept the logs down the river. 水流冲著原木沿河而下.     We were almost swept off our feet by the waves. 我们几乎让浪头给打倒了.     She got swept along by the crowd. 她被人群拥著向前走.     Many bridges were swept away by the floods. 洪水冲毁了许多桥梁.     (fig 比喻) Old laws were swept away by the revolution. 这场革命彻底摧毁了旧的法制. 3 [Ipr, Ip, Tn] move quickly over (an area) 扫过, 掠过(某地方)     A huge wave swept over the deck. 一个巨浪掠过甲板.     The fire swept rapidly across the wooded countryside. 这场大火迅速烧遍树木茂密的郊野.     Rumours swept through the town. 城里谣言四起.     Cold winds swept the plains. 寒风掠过平原.     (fig 比喻) The party swept the country, ie won the election by a large majority. 该党在全国的选举中大获全胜. 4 [Ipr, Ip] move in a smooth or dignified way (in the direction specified) 平稳地或庄重地(向某方向)移动     She swept out of the room. 她大模大样地走出了房间.     The big car swept up the drive to the front of the house. 那辆大轿车稳稳地顺著车道驶到房子前面. 5 [Ipr, Ip] extend in an unbroken line, curve or slope (in the direction specified) 延伸; 蜿蜒; 伸展; 绵延     The road sweeps round the lake. 这条路环绕著湖往前蜿蜒.     The coast sweeps (away) northwards in a wide curve. 海岸呈一大弧形向北伸展. 6 [Tn] pass over (sth) in order to examine, search or survey it 扫视, 搜索(某物)     The searchlights swept the sky. 探照灯搜寻著天空.     Her eyes swept the room. 她的眼睛扫视了一下那个房间. 7 [Tn] move over or along (sth) touching it lightly 轻轻擦过、 掠过(某物)     His fingers swept the keys of the piano. 他的手指在钢琴键盘上轻快地移动.     Her dress swept the ground. 她的连衣裙在地面上拖曳著. 8 (idm 习语) sweep sth under the `carpet hide sth which might cause trouble or a scandal 掩盖某事(以免造成麻烦或丑闻)     sweep embarrassing evidence under the carpet 把令人难堪的证据掩盖起来. sweep the `board win all the prizes, money, games, etc 赢得所有的奖品、 金钱、 比赛等     Switzerland swept the board in the skiing competition. 瑞士在滑雪比赛中囊括了所有的奖项. sweep sb off his feet overwhelm sb with emotion, esp with love 使某人倾心(尤指因爱情)     I was swept off my feet by her wit and charm. 她才貌双全, 我佩服得五体投地. sweep n 1 (also `sweep-out) [C usu sing通常作单数] act of sweeping 扫; 掸; 打扫     Give the rooma good sweep. 把这房间好好打扫一下. 2 [C] sweeping (sweep1 2) movement (藉推力、 流动力等的)带动, 移走; 摆动; 挥动     the sweep of a pendulum 摆的摆动     with a sweep of his arm, scythe 他用臂、 镰刀一挥. 3 [C usu sing 通常作单数] long unbroken (often curved) stretch of road, river, coast, etc or of sloping land 延伸的(常指弯的)路、 河、 岸等; 绵延的坡地     the broad sweep of white cliffs round the bay 海湾周围一大片白色的峭壁. 4 [U] (fig 比喻) extent covered by sth; range 包括有某事物的一段; 范围     the impressive sweep of a historical novel 一部历史小说感人的内容. 5 [C] movement over an area in order to search, attack, etc 搜索、 扫荡等行动     a sweep over the bay by a rescue helicopter 救援直升飞机在海湾进行的一次搜索活动     The police made a thorough sweep of the field where the dead child´s body was found. 警方在发现那孩子尸体的现场进行了仔细的搜查. 6 [C] = chimney-sweep (chimney). 7 [C] = sweepstake. 8 (idm 习语) a clean sweep => clean1.




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