

单词 suspend
释义 uspend v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) (fml 文) hang sth up 悬挂或吊起某物     A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us. 我们头顶上的天花板上吊著一盏灯. 2 [Tn.pr usu passive 通常用於被动语态] not allow (sth) to fall or sink in air or liquid, etc 使(某物)悬浮     a balloon suspended above the crowd 悬浮在人群上方的气球     Smoke hung suspended in the still air. 轻烟在静止的空气里悬浮著.     particles suspended in water 悬浮在水中的微粒. 3 [Tn] (a) prevent (sth) from being in effect for a time; stop (sth) temporarily 暂不实行(某事物); 使(某事物)暂停     suspend a rule 暂不实行一项规定     Rail services are suspended indefinitely because of the strike. 铁路运输因罢工而无限期停运.     During the crisis, the constitution was suspended, ie people did not have their normal civil rights. 在危机期间, 曾暂时停止实行宪法(人民不能正常地享有公民权利). (b) postpone (sth); delay 推迟(某事物); 延缓     suspend introduction of the new scheme 延缓实施新方案     suspend judgement, ie delay forming or expressing an opinion 暂不决断     give a criminal a suspended sentence, ie not send him to prison unless he commits a further offence 给一罪犯缓刑. 4 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from sth) prevent sb officially from holding his usual position, carrying out his usual duties, etc for a time 勒令某人暂时停职、 停止履行职责等     The policeman was suspended while the complaint was investigated. 因该警察遭投诉, 在调查期间已令其暂停职务.     She was suspended from school for stealing. 她因有偷窃行为遭勒令停学处分.




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