

单词 steady
释义 steady adj (-ier, -iest) 1 firmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking, rocking or likely to fall over 稳的; 平稳的; 牢固的; 不摇晃的     hold the ladder steady 把梯子扶稳     make a table steady, eg by repairing a leg 使桌子不摇晃(如把一条桌腿儿修好)     He´s not very steady on his legs after his illness. 他病愈後走路还不太稳.     Such fine work requires a steady hand and a steady eye. 做这样精细的工作, 手要稳、 眼要准.     She was trembling with excitement but her voice was steady. 她激动得发抖, 但声音却很平稳. 2 done, happening, working, etc in an even and regular way; developing, etc gradually without interruptions 均匀而有规律的; 稳定的; 持续的; 不断的: a steady wind 匀速的风     a steady speed, flow, rate, pace, etc 稳定的速度、 流速、 速率、 步子等     steady progress, improvement, etc 持续的进步、 改善等. 3 regular in behaviour, habits, etc; sensible and dependable 稳重的; 理智而可靠的     a steady young man 稳重的年轻男子     a steady worker 可靠的工作者. 4 constant; unchanging 固定的; 恒定的; 不变的; 坚定的     a steady faith 坚定的信仰     with a steady purpose 目的始终如一     Have you got a steady boy-friend? 你有关系固定的男朋友吗?     The ship kept to a steady course. 那艘船一直沿原航线航行. 5 (idm 习语) steady (`on)! (infml 口) (used as a warning 作提醒用) be careful; control yourself 当心; 注意; 镇定     I say, steady on! You can´t say things like that about someone you´ve never met. 哎, 慢著! 你对素未谋面的人不能那样说人家. steady, adv (idm 习语) go steady (with sb) (dated infml 旧, 口) (of sb not engaged to marry) go out regularly with sb of the opposite sex; have a serious long-lasting relationship (指未订婚的人)与某异性朋友经常约会; (与某人)有固定的情侣关系     Are Tony and Jane going steady? 托尼跟简是正在谈恋爱吗? steady, n (dated infml 旧, 口) regular boy-friend or girl-friend 关系固定的男朋友或女朋友     He´s my steady. 他是我的对象. steady, v (pt, pp steadied) [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become steady; keep steady (使某事物)稳固, 不摇晃, 保持平稳或稳定     Prices are steadying. 物价渐趋稳定.     steady a boat 使船保持平稳     He steadied himself by holding on to the rail, eg on the deck of a rolling ship. 他抓住栏杆使自己站稳(如在颠簸的船甲板上).




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